Just Coasting…

Goodness, it seems an age since I was here!  How are you all?  It does feel rather that the blog and I are coasting at the moment, what with my preoccupation with my mum.  Also, some weeks ago, thinking that this month would be fairly quiet and calm (!) I booked myself on the Photocraft Course which is now in full swing.

I must say it’s very interesting, and the embryonic skills I will have aquired by the end of the course are going to be so useful as I build on them and use them in the future.  More of this to come.

But in the meantime,  I used the week long break in the middle of the course to have a break myself.  With my mum recovering slowly in hospital and with various family members keeping up with the visiting I decided to take myself off to the North Norfolk Coast for a couple of days in a B & B and have a little camera practice.

Now I would say, going on my present record, don’t whatever you do book a holiday at the same time as me if you want good weather!

Because of all the drama around my last trip away I didn’t get to share the photos I took then, but a lot of the time it was like this…

Bexhill-on-Sea…wet and windy.

And then this time, heading off to an entirely different part of the coast, it was like this…

Blakeney in the mist

…and this.

Blakeney QuayI went to Holkham Hall

Lake at Holkham Hall
So you sort of get the picture, don’t you?  Not really the weather to lift the spirits.

To add insult to injury, the very same bank of fog casting it’s gloom over Blakeney, Wells and the surrounding area was also keeping poor Tim stuck on the gas platform where no helicopters could fly instead of joining me at the bed and breakfast!

All was not lost though and Tim eventually arrived, along with a burst of sunshine and warmth at lunchtime on the day before we were due to return home!  We took ourselves off to Holt for the afternoon which is always worth a visit, especially when there is tea and cake on offer!

And having been starved of light and colour for a few days I was so pleased to rediscover Ruth and her relocated shop ‘Glory Days’.  The original shop was in Norwich; I loved it and wrote about it here.  It sadly closed, but the new location in Holt is perfect, and in such a pretty little flint and brick cottage.

Glory Days in Holt
glorydays 2
glorydays 3
glorydays 4
And it’s just so pretty and colourful!  If you are in the area, do call in to say hello and get a colour fix!

So on that happier note I will sign off, and hope to be back before long…x

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5 thoughts on “Just Coasting…

  1. Alison

    I am glad you got a break, any is better than the usual routine I am sure. That shop looks just scrummy. Do take care.

  2. wendy

    I did enjoy your pictures even though the weather was not great ? Weather can go crazy in a split second and effect our moods……but good Tim was able to join you even though near the end xo

  3. Toffeeapple

    You should have come to Scotland with us, it was gorgeous weather! Good to see you about again, Penny.

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