A nerve wracking moment, seeing yourself in print, but here I am a Crochet Entrepreneur in this month’s issue of Inside Crochet Magazine!
If you click on the photo you will find the article, but if you have the magazine you will find all sorts of gorgeous things to make and read about. I really love that chunky jumper on the front, don’t you?Such a gorgeous colour!
If you’ve not tried crochet yet but have always meant to have a go here’s your chance to learn with a complete How-To guide included in the magazine.
I’m off to put my feed up with a cup of coffee to have a little read!
See you soon…x

Well done Penny. Great article.
My daughter bought me a subscription to ‘Inside Crochet’ magazine. So of course I recognised the article about your blog. Interesting to learn more about you.
Oh Penny, how exciting! This issue won’t reach our bookstores for another month or so but I will be on the lookout for it. Congratulations!
I’ll get a copy tomorrow
Go you!!! How exciting to be featured in the magazine! It was lovely to put a face to the name and learn a little more about you. Fantastic
Great article and well done. Love your work and nice that others get to see it too.
Lovely Penny and really enjoyed reading your article and seeing your picture too ?
Good article! Hurrah!
And Higgins gets a name-check… hope fame doesn’t go to his head.
Celia xx
It was great to ‘ see you in person’ !!! I enjoyed the article and am so glad you found the cotton yarn, I just love it.
How marvellous Penny – and Tim and Higgins get a mention too!
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