Cut Out + Keep – Book Review and Giveaway…

Cut Out + Keep - Cat Morley & Tom Waddington

I’m really excited to share this new book Cut Out + Keep Around the USA in 50 Craft Projects by Cat Morley and Tom Waddington which popped through the letterbox the other day for me to review.

I’m sure you know by now that my crafty interests are pretty broad so it’s always good to come across like minded people who enjoy having a go at everything!  And not only is this a craft book, it’s a travelogue too, so while you are looking through at the crafting inspiration, you could be planning your US road trip at the same time!  Well, we can dream , can’t we?

Washington - Cut Out + Keep

Taking Inspiration from every state, Cat and Tom of the Cut Out + Keep community have translated the food, the landmarks, the culture into simple, fun tutorials for you to make at home. There’s knitting and crochet, painting and printing, sewing and gluing, cooking and..well, eating of course!

This is what caught my eye…

needlefelt cacti from Cut Out _+ KeepNeedlefelt cacti, straight from Arizona.  These would make brilliant pin cushions, add your own spines!

The Jackalope, a mythical creature from Wyoming.  This one is transformed from a plastic rabbit ornament but you could have great fun inventing your own weird and wonderful beasts from whatever you have to hand.

Jackalope - Cut Out + Keep

Being a bit of a cheese monster these recipes made my mouth water…

Extreme Grilled Cheeses - Cut Out + Keep
 …and doesn’t everyone need Ruby Slippers? 
ruby slippers - Cut Out + Keep
The tutorial I tried was for something I really needed, a Cup Cosy.  My DH bought me a special coffee cup a while ago, especially for taking to the ‘office’, i.e. the Planet Penny studio.  The trouble is, its decorated with a face who’s expression is, well, somewhat troubling…

And even the plastic cover supplied is a bit thin so you can still see it’s evil grin…


So the Seattle project was just perfect.

cup cozy - Cut Out + Keep review

I made the cosy with undyed Blue Faced Leicester Aran weight yarn and it was a perfect fit. Not having a little motif to stitch on I added a lazy daisy flower with a few stitches after sewing it up.

Cut Out + Keep Cup Cosy - review
A much happier sight in the morning now (and hotter coffee!)  Cheers…

The book is published today in the UK, and on March 17th in the USA. I would have loved to have had a book like this to hand at half term with older children/young teens.  There’s so much inspiration to try something new, great for those ‘I’m bored’ moments!

You can order a copy here, but I have a copy ready and waiting to give away FREE!

All you have to do is to leave a comment.  Have you been on a road trip?  If not, where would your dream trip take you?  You have until Sunday March 1st to enter and then I will draw the winning entry.

Regretfully the Cut Out + Keep Giveaway giveaway is only open to UK readers… 

I’m really looking forward to reading your comments!

Ed. to add:  And the winner is… Julie, who writes the blog Tales from the Riverbank.  Congratulations Julie, I hope you enjoy the book and daydreaming about your own road trip! 

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11 thoughts on “Cut Out + Keep – Book Review and Giveaway…

  1. Jean Birch-Leonard

    We three, The Mister, number one son and myself had a road trip up the east coast of Australia, from Brisbane up to the wet tropics at the top. That was many moons ago now. NZ would be great too. But I think Scandinavia would be my choice.


  2. VeggieMummy

    Lovely book. I haven’t, unfortunately, been on a road trip. If I could, I’d probably opt to go somewhere in the US, taking in the Grand Canyon en route. I can dream! x

  3. Lilly's Mom

    I loved reading your post. You just happened to picture the Washington page – my beloved homes state! I know where all these sites are…..but I love the cup holder. Great design. Have a wonderful, fun filled week!

  4. Sue

    Wait a minute … it’s being published in the UK first?!?

    It looks like a great book. The cacti are adorable, and I’m wondering if the grilled cheese recipe came from the Wisconsin section (we are after all America’s Dairyland).

    Where would I go on a road trip … that’s a difficult question. I think I’d like to drive up the Pacific Coast, from northern California all the way up to the top of Washington State. It would be gorgeous, and I could call on a few bloggy friends on the way.

    P.S. Did you see the Google doodle on Laura Ingalls Wilder’s birthday? It was needle-felted and instantly made me think of you. 🙂 Here’s a little article I just found that you might enjoy:

  5. Leslie Ann Cambridge

    My road trip is going to be around the UK ! There is so much we haven’t seen yet……when we retire my hubby and I are buying a camper van and turning into “old age travelers” !!

  6. Jodi DeGeorge

    Your evil grinning drink holder just had me cracking up! Road trip to ANYWHERE ! Seriously, I just love different scenery, as long as there is a LYS within reach, I would love to go anywhere.

  7. Melissa Graham

    The last long road trip we took was about 12 years ago when out daughter, now 15, was 3 years old. We drove from Arkansas to Virginia to see my mom. Sadly enough that was the last time I got to see my mother but we had a fantastic trip and went to Virginia Beach while we were there.

    Oh and I am with you about the grin on your cup. It is even more evil through the sleeve that came with it.

  8. Ginny

    I have only been on one holiday that I would call a road trip. I drove with my husband through France to Umbria in Italy, and then back over the Alps. This was the first summer we met, and we were lucky that his 2CV made it. We also had a few nights when it was very hard to find somewhere to stay. We always managed it in the end. I would love to redo that journey, but perhaps being a bit older would want a few planned stops.

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