Hello, all you lovely people out there in Blogland, who have visited Planet Penny so often over the years commenting and generally joining in with projects and other jollities.
I’ve found it hard to keep the blog posts coming lately, and I think it’s time to admit that I’m struggling. If I’d fallen over and broken my ankle I would be perfectly open about it, so admitting another part of my body is in need of repair shouldn’t be a problem. It’s ingrained in us, isn’t it, to feel we have to hush up mental health issues? Certainly when I was growing up those sort of problems were talked about in whispers.
So I’m letting you know that I have been diagnosed with severe depression. With medication and counselling, I’m confident I will beat it. I know that many of you out there will be similarly affected so I don’t want to pussyfoot around and be coy, it’s nothing to be ashamed about.
A break from Planet Penny will mean I can put all my energies into regaining my equilibrium and spirit which I need to do for my nearest and dearest. My goal for the blog is to come back in good form in the Spring, and I really hope you will be around when I do!
Meanwhile, thank you all for just being out there, wherever you are. I wish you a joyful and peaceful Christmas and New Year and I hope to back here again before very long.

Best wishes from a former fellow sufferer but I am now in a place where I controlled it and it’s not controlling me and trust me you will be too. Good luck,you are doing the right thing
Hello Penny, I will miss reading your blog but I understand completely that you need to focus on yourself now. Your blog will always hold a special place for me as it was the first one I started to read. And, I’ll never forget the excitement of receiving my beautiful Planet Penny yarn. I wish you healing and strength and also blessings for the Christmas holiday. My best wishes to you, Pat xx (big hug, too)
Good on you! You need to put yourself first in these situations. This time last year I had a melt down so have a little idea of where you are coming from. Like you say some medication and a bit of tlc for yourself and you will be on your way to recovery. I wish you and your family the very best over the Christmas period and beyond. Of course we’ll all be here when you decide to come back
I wish your soul find peace and balance.
Have a quiet and Merry Christmas.
I’ll be waiting for your nice posts with your lovely dog ?
Sorry, I mean: I’ll be waiting for your posts,… ( but without “? “… ) ?
God bless you, Penny, and thank you for sharing this with us. You are doing the right thing by taking care of yourself. I look forward to reading about the insight you acquire during this journey. A blessed Christmas and New Year to you and yours.
Thank you for your honesty Penny! I suffer from depression as well and know all to well the daily struggle. I pray peace and healing for you. Look forward to hearing from you soon. I wish for you a happy Christmas holiday. Blessings always
I also have this disease. You need time for yourself. Do Not Ever Give up #youarenotalone
Dear Penny, I know this perverse and insidious disease… I’ve been sick too and now, I feel good however sometimes, it will be difficult …
Don’t worry … be happy !!! All my tenderness.
PS : sorry for my english !
Best wishes Penny! I’ll miss you.
Christmas blessings. I send my best wishes for your recovery. Always remember, this too will pass XXX
Sharing the journey with you, you are stronger than you know. Warm thoughts and looking forward to the spring and seeing you back here xx
Dear Penny, take care of yourself, rest and enjoy the Christmas time. I’m glad that you have seen a doctor because too often we just try to struggle on our own. I wish you happy and pieceful Christmas time and winter! Hope to see you and Higgins soon again! Hugs to you both! x Teje
Take care of yourself Penny. We all need time to re-balance and re-charge – do what it takes – don’t worry about us out here ….. we’ll all still be here when you are ready to come back.
Wishing you the best of everything. See you when the daffodils are out :o)
Sorry to hear you are not too well but am not surprised with all you do leaves no time for you. Hope you soon feel refreshed and in a happier state, take care, love to you and that lovely little HigginsxXx
Best wishes and calming thoughts for your pause, I’ll be hoping you have restored your equilibrium soon. Xx
I haven’t read other replies so I apologise if I repeat anything already said – they’re kind of personal for you, I’m sure.
One piece of ammunition in your arsenal for Fighting the Fear, will be your lovely crafts. A project you do just for yourself and not to photograph, describe and dissect, as well as divulge across all the myriad of social media outlets…you get my meaning? Craft just for you. Love it. Enjoy it.
[And, a rather marvellous and personal thing, as I write, I know I’m writing to myself too. Maybe I leapt onto the super highway and then, many blogs and interests later, life has tripped me up. For me, it’s the isolation of unpredictable and unyielding physical ill-health. Maybe I’ll blog for Britain again. Maybe I won’t. But the world will keep turning, whatever.]
Much love to a talented artist. The colour WILL come back into your life one day soon.
Dear Penny,
Please take all the time you need! Sending you a hug and a kiss.
Sad to hear you are not in a rainbow state
Take care of yourself Penny. Much love
Oh wishing you the very best and it ain’t easy but taking care of yourself comes first……so many of us will still be here and give Higgins a lovely pat and may you have a wonderful xmas time ??
Take all the time you need…. Take care of yourself…. Be at peace….. And smile, knowing that you will come out on the other side of this, with a deeper understanding and empathy for others… Hugs to you and Higgins, and God Bless….
Sorry to hear you’re struggling. I do too, especially especially during these darker short days. There’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.
Take one day at a time & praise yourself for getting through that day. Remember, your success so far at making it through is 100%!
We’ll all be wishing you well, take care x
Sending a warm hug from me and the furry studio assistants. You’ve been through a roller coaster of a year with some deep sadness so be kind to yourself and you know there are lots of people here holding your hand (in a virtual but real way) xx
Big hugs from me Penny, and every good wish that happier days are on your horizon x
Dear Penny, so pleased that you are taking time for yourself to heal. Life has a habit of knocking us sideways and these things take time to recover from. Wishing you all the very best xx
All the best to you m’dear. I hope you enjoy Christmas with loved ones.
So sorry to hear about the depression, Penny. I’ve been there, though usually short-term, and my husband suffered some long years of undiagnosed depression after his brain surgeries. We didn’t know what it was until much, much later – when things had finally gotten better. But they did get better! They will for you too.
Enjoy your pause – sometimes it’s a relief to stay away from Blogland while we get other things in order. Have some happy quiet times in your own colourful little world and know that you are loved.
A joyful Christmas to you and all your family.
You have been through so much this year, I’m not surprised you’ve become ill. Take your time and come back when you’re ready. I hope you can enjoy that beautiful new addition to your family.
I will always be here to read and to cheer you on Penny. It is a difficult illness but with counselling and medication, you will get through it and come back smiling and strong. But do that in your own time, take it as it comes. Sending hugs to you and Higgins. xx
Take care Lovely Colourful Penny! Wishing you swiftly well.
i totaly get it. and i got it too. take good care and thanks for a wonderful blog
merry christmas
Take care. From experience I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 2 steps forward and 1 step back is perfectly good. Thinking of you on your new journey and looking forward to when you return,
Penny – so sorry to hear about your struggles but I feel you have already made the first step in the right direction by recognising the things you need to do right now and to put yourself first. Taking a break from blogging will help you focus on your own needs and there’s lots of good advice already been said above. Seasons greetings and best wishes to you xx
Big hug Penny, thank you so much for all your efforts, I will miss your blog and look forward to seeing it again in the future but ONLY if it’s not robbing you of any precious R&R. May inner peace be yours x
Sending good wishes and hugs Penny. Xxx
Penny–I just saw the precious little mice and was saddened to hear you are not up to par. Please be good to yourself for as long as it takes. We’ll all be here when you return. Warm wishes from California!!
ThInking of you Penny and wishing better days ahead. I have my youngest son at home suffering with severe depression at the moment so know what a struggle it can be. xx
Hi Penny, just wanted to pop in and let you know that I am thinking of you. All the best wishes to you.
Best wishes Penny. Take care of yourself
Best wishes, Penny. I hope you are managing to achieve some peace and stay positive and focussed during this difficult time. Blogland is a poorer place without you. Come back soon. Take care.