Hello June!

Rubbish, aren’t I?  It’s been a whole month…

My excuse, however is the run up to Norfolk & Norwich Open Studios, which started last weekend.  I now have a few days grace before we open again on Saturday so here I am with a little round up of the last month.

I sorted out my vegetable patch.  Here it is, showcasing the Anti-Dachshund Preventative Flag SystemRaised BedThis is how well it worked…HigginsIn RaisedBedHmm…back to the drawing board on that I think.

In the rest of the garden the flowers have been wonderful. Under the Laburnum tree the air just vibrates with the buzzing of bees.  It’s such a shame that the whole wonderful display barely lasts a week…LaburnumThere have been poppies…

and Granny Bonnets (although the best ones have self seeded in the verge outside the fence)…
Granny Bonnets
Cherry blossom…
Cherry Blossom
I love the ‘rhubarb and custard’ colours, don’t you?

And my favourite ‘Dog Daisies…

Dog Daisy

I bought a super new book…

Perfecting Sourdough
about which, more later…

And had a spotty manicure!

But my big decision of the month is for a Planet Penny clear out.  As I have said in previous posts, I am gradually trying to whittle away the ‘stuff’ which bogs me down.  As much as I have been happy with my ‘makes’, I need to move things on to clear space not just in the studio, but in my head.

So I’m having a Planet Penny Silly Sale during Open Studios, and selling off all sorts of items, materials and end of line yarn at bargain prices.

If you live in the Norfolk area and would like to snap something up, pay a visit to our Two Rivers Trail come and see me, and make me an offer I can’t refuse!

See you soon…x


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6 thoughts on “Hello June!

  1. adabeaAmanda

    They do love to get in those beds don’t they. As you will have seen I’m trying very hard to Otto proof my garden, I thought I was doing well until I saw him legging it down the garden baby sunflower in his mouth! Sorry, but this post has made me laugh out loud! 😉 xxx

  2. VeggieMummy

    Naughty Higgins! Gorgeous flowers and I like the look of your new bread book. Good luck with the anti-dachshund prevention method #2! xx

  3. Alison

    Before I scrolled to picture two I did wonder if Higgins would be tangled in the string. He has given me a good laugh, he looks so proud. I suppose net would not work either, he would dig underneath. Take care, hope all goes well with the River Trails.

  4. ginaferrari

    I did laugh at Higgins in the raised bed… I’m having the same problem with Hector who also seems to think I hang washing out purely for his entertainment! I know what you mean about stuff… There are always things left!

  5. Teje

    Hello Penny and Higgins! I think Higgins is axiously waiting the vegetables to grow and she likes you to be out with him! Gorgeus flowers! Good luck with the clearing! x Teje

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