Cosy Wool from Cosywool!

Cosywool Comforts…

Cosywool - knittingCosy wool is just the ticket for the cooler autumnal days and in my last post I gave you a tantalising glimpse of my latest project.  As I’ve said before, I’m a bit of a butterfly with my makes so I love something which can be whistled up in a few days with great satisfaction.  It’s even better when I don’t have to stir from the comfort of my armchair, but just order on line!

So my lovely yarn came direct from Cosywool who, with the relaunch of their website,  had the brilliant idea of vacuum packing the yarn before shipping.Cosywool vacuumed packed yarnThis makes it small enough to go through the letter box which means no hanging around for the postman, and it’s weatherproof and animalproof (ideal if you have a dog like Higgins who thinks all parcels are addressed to him!)

I wasn’t sure at first, imagining it might look sad and squashed when it arrived but in fact it bounced straight out of the wrapping looking as fluffy as ever. (And vacuum packing has the added bonus of making your yarn stash look far smaller than it actually is!) Sirdar Click Chunky - CosywoolThe yarn is Sirdar Click Chunky, an acrylic/wool mix in warm Apple Red and I used Sirdar Pattern 76144, also available from Cosywool.  It’s described as a snood but it’s more of a snuggly collar to fill in the neck of a jacket; in a simple two row pattern which makes a gorgeous texture.

Snood - Cosywool
This time of year I’m always on the look out for quick, easy and stylish makes for unique Christmas gifts, and I am determined be on top of the present list for once.  I’ve a feeling I shall be working my way through the colour range on Cosywool for my present list!

Ooh, I’ve just mentioned the C*******s word…  I’m really sorry if you are not ready to hear it, or are you planning ahead with lots of knitting, crocheting and sewing in mind?  If you would like to share your ideas, please do, you might just inspire us all with the very thing for a tricky relative!

I shall be back this Friday with a Blog Hop, which I’m very excited about.  Do join me then…x

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2 thoughts on “Cosy Wool from Cosywool!

  1. Faith

    It is my intention to make presents this year…although not for everyone as I may be given the worst aunty award if I do! The vacuum packed yarn is a great idea…haha if I vacuum packed my yarn I reckon it would still be massive…but fun trying 😉 love the cowl…looks warm and snuggly!


    You know, IF I vacuumed my STASH, I’d still have NO “space”! — And, the contraption would devour my DUST-BUNNIES! :-[

    Actually, most of my wool is in nice thick plastic bags that I try to squish the air out of, but that woolly-bounciness just expands any ways… A fact that I some day hope to take advantage of… When my wool blankets are folded up in just the right way, they make great pillow “stuffing”!

    BTW, should a “shockwave” come from over THE-POND, it’ll likely just be my STASH “BIG-BANGING” out of their BAGS!



    oh, and that Cowl looks FAB!! Love that shade!

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