Oh, I’m sorry! I dropped off the radar again. It’s all been a bit of a muddle here over the past weeks. I dived into Monty Don mode with the arrival of the wonderful greenhouse, and then the builders arrived.
We are having an extension built. A lot of my front garden has been scooped up and taken away, and in it’s place cement has been poured, and there are walls growing. We haven’t even got to the place where the existing walls come down…
eeeek! *repeat to self ‘it will be lovely when it done, it will be lovely when it’s done…*
It flung me into a bit of a mental block and I’ve been finding it REALLY hard to pick up my blogging reins again. However, I’ve given myself a virtual ‘boot up the bum’…….and here I am!
I have no excuse really because last month I had a wonderful day at Blogtacular listening to and learning from some really inspirational speakers. People like life coach Natalie Lue, the writer Greta Solomon, the blogger, broadcaster and author Emma Gannon, and Catherine Dean, Editor of Mollie Makes. And these are just the ones I got to see! Add in the chance to meet up with lots of like minded people and eat delicious food and it was a really inspiring day. I will certainly be looking to go again next year if I can, who knows, I might meet some of you there!
(If you look very closely you’ll see me, marked with an arrow and under a white balloon! So I must get my act together now I’ve dived back in. In the meantime, there is one lucky winner of the Mollie Makes Comic Relief Magazine, P Collingwood. Congratulations!
I really will be back very soon, promise! See you then…x