The needlefelt workshops are back! This spring I will be at The Forum in Norwich running two workshops as part of Makers Month. If you haven’t been before this is a wonderful opportunity to see and try out lots of different crafts for free, as well as book on to some fabulous workshops to learn a new skill in depth and there are fascinating talks and open exhibitions.
Arts and crafts people from across Norfolk, will be at the Forum to show you how to knit, sew, crochet, spin, weave, print, embroider, quilt, draw, paint, sculpt and even whittle. Entrance is free, and everyone is welcome. I’m really looking forward to it!
So if you would like to join me on a Needlefelt Workshop, do get in touch to book. There’s a choice of two, making a 3D sculpture from unspun fleece, or a decorative panel of fleece worked into wool felt. Each workshop will give you the skills to take needlefelting in a different creative direction. Book both for a 10% discount on the price.
I’d love to see you there…x

Oh, if only I could! Have a wonderful time Penny.
Wish I could be there! It’s a little too far I’m afraid. Here’s to full classes and happy ones!