Marking Time…

This is what I feel I’m doing at the moment, marking time, waiting… Waiting for the spring, waiting for my studio to be build, waiting to climb out of the muddle of boxes that surround me in which I have packed all my materials so I can’t find anything… 

My sanity has been saved by having some wool and fleece  to hand so I have been needle felting pincushions.  As well as the two I made as prizes (which I got in the post this morning despite the snow and ice)…

I have made a couple more with a view to selling them when I get my Folksy shop up and running (another ‘Watch this Space’ moment!) It’s a comforting thing to do, needle felting.  It’s very tactile, it’s like magic feeling the change from soft fluffiness to springy firmness happening in your hand with just the action of the needle. And the colours are cheerful, just what we need with all this whiteness!

The sun shone yesterday and so Higgins and I managed to go out for a walk.  It really hasn’t been that easy in this weather.  Higgins is very much a fairweather walker, and any suggestion that we might go out in inclement conditions sends him scuttling behind a chair, or burrowing under his blanket, and I am easily persuaded not to bother myself!  However yesterday he was kitted out in his jacket and carried beyond the point of no return so he made the best of it.

I took the steam driven camera along and I’m getting such good results it makes me very frustrated with the Olympus (which is packed up to go back to the shop tomorrow)

As I sit here I am looking out at two very chilly chaps building the studio as the snow blows all around and into the cups of tea I have just taken out.  I suppose it concentrates the mind towards getting the roof on, I’m really glad I’m sitting in here at the computer!

The sky looks blue, it isn’t, it’s snowing!  I’m looking forward to showing this view in a few months when the sun is shining, the flowers are in bloom and there is a glass of something cool and delicious on the garden table!

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About penny

I live in Norfolk, England in a cottage on the edge of the Norfolk Broads where it can be peaceful and beautiful, or wet and muddy, or occasionally wild and windswept. With me is husband Tim, Henry the elderly and opinionated tabby cat, and Higgins, the miniature dachshund with a massive personality. You’ll find me chattering on about wool and textiles, knitting and crochet, recipes, books and patterns, exhibitions and shopping and of course, the adventures of a small dog! Planet Penny has a Facebook Page, you can find me on UK Handmade and I am featured on Channel4/4Homes Favourite Craft Blog List.

6 thoughts on “Marking Time…

  1. Gina

    I have a dog who is oblivious to the weather and always wants to go out no matter how cold, wet or windy! The hearts are very pretty!

  2. Rachel J. Fenton

    Just left a long comment and then lost it!#

    Well, it was something along the lines of – you are very talented and have a wonderful eye for colour – I have never tried needle felting and I’m not sure I would have the patience for it as that seems to be a requirement. Not be long until spring – for you – now, and that’s regeneration time..then your shed will be a beautiful workshop and all your yucky winter and camera troubles will be forgotten!
    Shop idea sounds great, too. Keep your chin up Penny – and Higgins!

  3. Emma

    I feel I’m getting to know Higgins a little now. A fairweather walker? Not a friend of certain dolls? I think there is a large amount of charisma there.

    You popped something in the post you say? I will be awaiting the postie excitedly tomorrow.

  4. Hilary Sh

    Thank you Penny, opening my lovingly packaged parcel was balm on my ‘problems-popping-up-at-a-rate-of-knots’ day today. What isneedle felting? Do you do courses on it? Do I have to book into a comfy b&b and leave the real world behind for a day to discover the pleasures of needle felting? ! A rough job but someone has to do it. Big sigh ! ! Thanks again it’s beautiful and useful. Hilary x

  5. Penny Graham-Jones

    So glad the parcel arrived safely and that you like the pincushion. I hope it will be a useful addition to your new work room. Needle felting is dry felting so non-messy and also quite a good thing to do when space is limited. I do do courses on it and will certainly be looking at the feasability of using my new studio for that purpose in the future. Hope the problems have died down today! Penny x

  6. vanessa

    Your felted hearts are beautiful Penny! I imagine a load of them hanging off a necklace, wouldn’t that look amazing?! Higgin’s, what is that you’re sniffing little boy?! Can we see more piccies of your studio being built Penny? I’m really interested in it’s construction. You lucky thing, having a studio built. I’m not the tiniest bit jealous! Not at all! Have a good weekend. Love Vanessa xxx

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