If not now, when…?

The longer I leave it, the harder it is to restart! I’ve been faffing for far too long feeling that I need, want to start blogging again. And there’s only one thing to do…DO IT!

When I started Planet Penny all those years ago it was to get my creativity going, and it’s much the same now. I’m going back to basics now and starting over. I no longer run a business but I still need to be creative. I’m not going to worry about SEO and engagement, but I’d love to keep in touch with anyone who would like to follow along.
But even if I’m doing this just for me, I shall be doing it!

I’m sending a big hello to anyone who has been surprised by me turning up in their inbox, and I shall be back again very soon!

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5 thoughts on “If not now, when…?

  1. Chris

    Oh, I am so happy you’re back Penny! The last post was that darling photo of sweet little Finley and to look forward to meeting him when you finally were able to bring him home. And then? Nothing for so long 🙁 …so you really need to show us what a big boy he must be by now.
    Welcome back! We’ve missed you!

  2. Lisa

    Hi Penny, It’s great to hear from you! I’m looking forward to reading your blog again. Welcome back! Lisa

  3. pennygj Post author

    Thank you both! There’s a lot to catch up on, but it’s nice to have this welcome back. All will be revealed in due course?

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