Author Archives: pennygj

MOO Giveaway at Planet Penny!

As you may have gathered, I’m in the run up to taking part in the Norfolk and Norwich Open Studios again at the end of May and there are quite a  few little extras which I need to get in place so it all goes smoothly. One of the essentials are eye catching business cards, the sort that people keep because they are pretty!  I discovered MOO a year or so ago, and took advantage of their introductory offer of 10 free business cards.  I was so pleased when they arrived that I immediately order a boxful and have used them ever since.  It’s nice to have a card which when you offer one to someone it becomes a talking point. Designing on line is really easy, and you can download a PDF to see exactly how your designs look before you finalise your order. Theoretically you can have a different image on every card, which is a great idea but I never have time to take advantage it.  Also, I found on occasions that people have actually wanted to look through the selection so they can choose one, and if I had 100 individual  designs that would be a bit of a pain! This is my current selection…Moo Business cards Not long after I received this order I was contacted by MOO to see if I would like to promote their cards with a giveaway for Planet Penny readers, and I’m always really happy to share good stuff with you all.  There’s not just one, but THREE prizes!

This then is what it’s all about… “Who are MOO? They make business cards and just love to print – whether it’s creative business card design, MiniCards, Postcards, Stickers, Holiday Cards and much more! Born a desire to create beautiful, high-quality print and design, they make it super easy for anyone to make your own unique business cards. MOO are proud to be business card printingspecialists – either upload your own images or graphics to create truly creative cards, or you can opt for a designer template and customise with your own details. Competition Prizes:   THREE winners receive either a set of 50 Classic business cards or 100 MiniCards.   How to Enter The Giveaway…  

To be in with a chance of winning one of the MOO prizes, simply post a comment on this post and tell us why your designs will stand out from the rest! We’re looking for fun, creative and quirky answers, the best will win! Winners will be selected from the comments! Please enter a valid email address so we are able to contact you.” I’ve since ordered postcards which look stunning Moo postcards that’s bit of preparation for next month out of the way. MOO cards The Giveaway will be open until next Sunday and  the MOO team and I are looking forward to reading your comments.

I’m linking up again with Handmade Monday over on Handmade Harbour so don’t forget to pay a visit to see what everyone’s been making over the week.

I’ll be back soon, have a great week…x

The Knitted Home – Ruth Cross … The Winner!

The Knitted Home - jacket

Two weeks ago I reviewed this great new book by Ruth Cross, The Knitted Home and offered a copy as the prize in a draw.   There was a fantastic response: sixty comments in all, with some great knitting stories.  It’s amazing how long some people have been knitting, so many people being taught by mums, and grannies.  One person taught herself from a Ladybird book, and another learnt over the phone!

The one that made me laugh out loud was this… “My Grandpa taught me to knit, with his method that no child forgets! ”stab it, strangle it and pull its head off” not for the weak and feeble…” Thanks to Penelope Brown for that one, I shall use it myself!

I’m glad I made it a draw rather than saying it would be the best story which won because I wouldn’t have been able to decide.  I allocated numbers to each entrant and use the online Random Number Generator which is a quick and fair way to select a winner (although it immediately makes me feel bad about everyone who didn’t win!)

Anyway, enough rambling on, the lucky winner is…number 16….Natalie, of Free Spirit Designs.  Congratulations!

Now Natalie doesn’t actually knit yet, so I really hope this is the start of her knitting career.  The Free Spirit Designs blog is here, and the Facebook Page is here so we’ll have to call in regularly to check up on Natalie’s progress!

(Don’t forget you can still buy the book at a special price, see the original post for details)

I will be back very soon with another fantastic and generous giveaway from the lovely chaps at MOO!  I’m sure you need some business cards, postcards or similar…?


The Magic of Serendipity

Serendipity,  a ‘happy accident’’s one of my favourite words.  The older I get, the more aware I am of the opportunities created by the serendipitous nature of the every day.  And this week’s happy accident all started with carrot cake!

I had an overdue hair appointment with my usual hairdresser, but in a different place because he is waiting to open his new salon.  The appointment was long, so I took my Kindle and by the time my hair was deemed ready for the basin, the main character in the book had visited several coffee shops and eaten quite a lot of carrot cake.  I found myself yearning for carrot cake.   Having mentioned my craving, Jon, my hairdresser had the answer.  The best carrot cake in Norwich he assured me, just up the road from where I was sitting.

Trips into Norwich these days are usually fraught with the need to get home to make my Mum’s lunch or walk Higgins, but today unusually my Mum was cared for, and Tim was on Higgins duty so I decided that lunch was going to be a slice of carrot cake and a cappuccino.  Very decadent!

It was very nice carrot cake (and if you are a fan and find yourself in the Norwich Lanes visit the House Cafe and tell me if I’m right!) and, suitably replete I wandered back down the road doing a spot of window shopping.   I ground to halt out side a shop full of the gorgeous fabric.  So I just had to go in.

The shop is Arts Desire, and the Serendipity Fairy had just waved her magic wand…

Arts Desire , St Benedicts St, Norwich

…and it’s one of those shops you just want to move into.  I would so love a wall like this…

Arts Desire Pip china…and all that pretty china.  Here’s some of the gorgeous fabric…

Arts Desire Interior..and there are kits…

Arts Desire felt kits…and ribbons…

Arts Desire ribbons…and more ribbons…

Arts Desire and more ribbons…it was all absolutely…

cushion embroidered with Wonderful - SerendipityI do rather think I need that cushion!

Arts desire interior the Norwich LanesAnd there was a dachshund!

Fabric dachshunds - serendipity

Behind all this gorgeousness I found a Craft Lounge offering workshops in Lampshade Making, Knitting, Crochet, wet Felt making, Sewing, Quilting and Silver jewellery making.  It’s Norwich’s answer to the Makery in Bath!

I had just established that there were no Needlefelting classes on offer when the owner returned from lunch and after ten minutes of nattering and comparing notes we had a cunning plan.

I regularly get emails asking if I teach Needlefelting  Classes, and mostly I just teach private groups.  Finding a good venue that people can get to easily has been the main drawback and Norwich has good routes from most places these days.  So the Craft Lounge at Arts Desire, just off the centre of the city will be the perfect place to hold Needlefelt Workshops.

There are no dates as yet but it will be after Open Studios is over from the middle of June onwards.  If you are interested please follow this link and leave your contact details (mentioning Planet Penny/needlefelt) in your message  and we will keep you up to date.

Don’t despair if you are tempted by all this loveliness and live too far away because there is also an online shop and a Facebook Page so there are lots more goodies to drool over!

I will be back on Sunday with the results of the draw for  the Ruth Cross book ‘The Knitted Home’.  There’s still time to enter if you haven’t already, just leave your knitting story in the comments on the post here.

I will also have details of yet another great prize which I have been given to offer to you, so don’t forget to call back to take part.

See you soon…x


Sunshine and Flowers

Suddenly it’s Spring!  It’s such an overwhelming change too, after a winter which seemed to go on forever.  The daffodils at the side of the road, resolutely green and tight budded, responded to the sunshine so immediately you could practically hear the sound of popping as they opened.  There’s now a definite green tinge to the brown twigginess of the hedgerows, in a few days Spring will really be busting out all over!

It’s been another busy week, which started with a trip to London.  I went to meet the Pinterest Team, who came over from the US to organise a campaign with selected bloggers.  And they selected me!  Very honoured by that, and very surprised!  Anyway, it all happens in May and I look forward to telling you all about it then.

With a little time to spare, I wandered round and went off to see St Paul’s, knowing that  in  a couple of days I would be seeing it on the news during the coverage of Margaret Thatcher’s funeral.  I was too late to go inside, but it is a very beautiful and imposing building, especially with the blossom and late afternoon sunshine.

St Paul's Cathedral, blossom & sunshine

Back home, Open Studios is fast approaching.  We’ve picked up boxes of brochures and postcards and tomorrow we’re off to the Forum in Norwich with our pieces for display in the Taster Exhibition which is on from Tuesday to Friday.   I mentioned in this post that I was making a website for our Art Trail so if you would like to know more about us call over to the Two Rivers Trail (and watch out for the gorilla!)

I’m longing to find time to get out in the garden like some others I could mention…

miniature dachshund sunbathing

…and Higgins isn’t the only one enjoying the sunshine out there either…

butterfly in sunshine

…but at the moment I tend to just wander round with a cup of tea and a camera in my tea breaks.

grape hyacinths in sunshine

These little Grape Hyacinths have survived remarkably well considering they are on one of Higgins’ routes round the garden and he’s trodden on them regularly for months!

cowslips & aubretia in sunshine


daffs&grapehyacinthsI’ve done nothing in the vegetable patch, so this little pansy has taken advantage and moved in…

pansy in the sunshine

I skived off from working for a couple of hours this morning to visit the beach.  We’ve not been for ages as we’ve had weeks of Arctic winds blowing straight of the sea and I didn’t think it would do my sinuses much good!  It hasn’t done the beach much good either, as our miles of pale gold sand has been scoured off and deposited elsewhere.  The level of the beach must be about 15 feet lower, and there are pools and stretches of clay.

clay exposed by coastal erosion - Norfolk

The huge chunks of granite which are part of the sea defences and normally partially hidden in the sand are exposed, and it was quite a feat of mountaineering to get over the top and on to the next stretch of beach.

Norfolk beach in sunshineHiggins really enjoyed the pools…

dachshund in the pool..and also discovered the most revolting bit of flotsam…or even the shape of a baby’s dummy.  He smelt it from about 20 feet away, made a bee line for it and carried it all the way back to the car to put in his toy box!

miniature dachshund

So this is why I haven’t finished the project that was going to be my Hand Made Monday feature!  I’m sure you don’t begrudge me a trip to the seaside though, and I will get back in the next few days when it’s done.  I have also taken deliver of a fresh batch of Planet Penny yarn which I need to get back on to the Etsy site so it really is busy, busy, busy at the moment.

Don’t forget, there is still time to join in with draw for a copy of The Knitted Home by Ruth Cross.  Just visit the post here, and leave your knitting story in the comments.  Do take a moment to read some of the stories which have already been left, some of them really raise a giggle.

Back soon…x


The Knitted Home – Book Review

The Knitted Home - jacket
Every now and then I am asked if I would like to review a book, and I have to restrain myself from biting off the offering arm in my delight at the chance to see a new crafty publication!  This one, the Knitted Home by the talented Ruth Cross arrived to fit in very nicely with the subtle, monochromatic vibe I embraced to produce my  needlefelted sheep.  This book is a visual delight, and feels gorgeous too!  (Am I the only person to love the feel of the thick matt finish which seems to be used more and more for books and magazines?)
Throw and Cushion from The Knitted Home - Ruth Cross
Although some of the projects in this book are quite challenging, there are excellent clear instructions at the back of the book so even a completed beginner could get to grips with some of the easier patterns.  Ruth’s explanations of creating textures with stitches will soon inspire  the adventurous, and for many of the projects the main requirement is the patience to see a big project through to the end.
Footstol, The Knitted Home - Ruth Cross
– 0 –
cable throw  -The Knitted Home - Ruth Cross
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textured knitting panels - The ~Knitted  Home - Ruth Cross
The project I’m looking forward to trying is this beautiful table mat.  I love this crushed raspberry colour, but I’m also dying to see whether it will work in Planet Penny rainbow colours.  It starts off with 24 stitches and ends with 360 stitches, so even that is a challenge in itself!
circular place mat - The Knitted Home - Ruth Cross
But there is also a neat little pattern for beginners which is also a great way to make use of experimental squares when you are getting to grips with stitches and patterns.  Turning them into lavender bags means you don’t have to accumulate a big bag of knitted bits to stitch into a blanket, just two little squares and you have the makings of a little pretty to hang in the wardrobe or drawer handle.
Stripey Lavender Bags - The Knitted Home - Ruth Cross
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Stripey Lavender Bags close up - The Knitted Home -  Ruth Cross
And now the even more exciting bit…would you like to win a copy?  I have one right here, sitting on my desk  and it could be yours!
 All you have to do is to leave a comment on this post and tell me what or who got you started with knitting.  If you haven’t started knitting yet, well you can tell me about that too!   You can comment up until Saturday 28th April, then I will put all the names into a virtual hat (Random Number Generator actually, I’ve tried getting Higgins to do it and he either eats the slips of paper, or the hat!) and announce the lucky winner on Sunday 29th April.
And if you can’t wait, you can purchase a copy of The Knitted Home at the special price of £16.00 (RRP £20.00) details below.
To order The Knitted Home (9781906417727) for £16.00 including p&p*, telephone 01903 828503 and quote offer code JS190. Or send a cheque made payable to: Littlehampton Book Services Mail Order Department, Littlehampton Book Services, PO Box 4264, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 3TG. Please quote the offer code JS190 and include your name and address details. *UK ONLY – Please add £2.50 if ordering from overseas.
I’m linking up again with Handmade Harbour and Handmade Monday again this week and I’m looking forward to hearing your knitting stories.  Also, I would like to thank everyone who left such encouraging comments about my sheep in the last post.  I always read your comments although I’m afraid I don’t get time to answer as many as I would like and they are always much appreciated.  Thanks so much.
I’ll be back soon to tell you about my next adventure.  I’m off to London tomorrow to find out about a campaign just for bloggers.  Intrigued?  So am I, because that’s all I know about it for now.  Who knows, maybe I’ll meet some of you there.
Back soon…

All Sheep Shape…

daffodils in the sun for a Sheep shape post

Have you heard the sound of birds singing and  sheep dancing on Planet Penny this week?   It’s all because the sun is shining and I have finished my piece for the Norfolk and Norwich Open Studios Taster Exhibition at the Forum in Norwich….yippee!   I’ve just looked back and found I published my Ta-daaa moment for the last piece almost exactly a year ago today, you can read it here.   And I said “This has existed in my head for so long it was rather a shock to realise that I hadn’t actually made it yet, so I’ve been working on it all week” And I can say exactly the same this year.  It’s amazing how a deadline focuses the mind!

But first, the sunshine.  It’s still not very warm, but it was a relief to wake up yesterday morning and realise the wind was not whistling in the chimney which it’s been doing for days.

frosty gardenI’ve had the doors open into the garden for the first time this year (and kept my fleece on) to let some fresh air into the house and Henry and Higgins have appreciated being able to wander in and out as they please.  Henry has a spot on a warm paving slab where in a few weeks he will be able to get spaced out on Cat Mint…

Tabby cat in the garden

…and Higgins parked himself under the bird feeder to make sure no pesky birds could get at the little dish of water I  put out for them.  He found it was particularly delicious, so much nicer than the inferior water in the dog bowl!

miniature dachshund

There’s a lot of bare earth in the garden, even the weeds are holding back, but there are patches of Spring to enjoy…

purple crocus

white crocuses

mixed crocuses

frilly daffodilAnd so to my big project for this week.  I really wanted to do something completely different this time, to step away of the bright colours, the crochet, the small things.  Also to challenge myself on the needlefelt front and make something much bigger than little birds and mice.    So I’ve used a very subdued palette…

sheep fleeceNatural Merino fleece with a background of charcoal grey.

So can you guess what I made? Well, of course it’s a sheep!

needlefelt sheep for NNOS 2013It’s actually quite hard to photograph and get the angle right…

needlefelt sheep for Taster Exhibition NNOS 2013

It’s called ‘How to Knit a Sheep’… (but please don’t ask me for a pattern!)

'How to Knit a Sheep' NNOS 2013

The knitted part starts off as unspun fleece and gradually reduces in thickness until it becomes  undyed 4 ply to knit the lacy part.

Needlefelt Sheep for NNOS 2013

knitting for 'How to Knit a Sheep' for NNOS 2013This has been a rare moment when the finished piece is almost the same as the picture in my head, hence the singing and dancing!  As you can imagine, I haven’t done a lot else this week but there are exciting Planet Penny things in the pipeline which I hope to share with you soon.

It’s Handmade Monday again this week so I’m linking up with Wendy for Handmade Monday over on Handmade Harbour  and I’ll be back very soon…x



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