As promised, and alas somewhat belatedly, I’m carrying on the Blog Hop from Claire of Mrs Brown Makes. Being asked particular questions really concentrates the mind, none of my usual waffling!
So here goes…
What am I working on?
This is a hard one because I’m a butterfly brain by nature, and I’ve always got a bit of a conflict going on between all the things I want to do. At the moment I know I really need to work on some new ideas for the Planet Penny cotton yarn to add interest to my Etsy shop, but I’m also planning a fresh project for my next needlefelt workshop. I’m also in charge of social media and the website for our local community shop…, and the window displays. Oh, and I’m also designing leaflets and flyers for Arts Desire, which is where I hold needlefelt workshops. And there’s a book review… Hmm, sometimes I feel I need to clone myself!
So the latest pattern for the cottons is for a hat and bag based on the granny square…

And the experiments in flat needlefelt and embroidery will culminate in a workshop on making a sketchbook cover…

How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Gosh, that’s a hard one. We all like to imagine we are unique, don’t we and then when you do compare yourself to someone else, it’s generally unfavourable! I suppose with the cotton and the patterns I accidently struck a chord somewhere. People love rainbows, and managing to source the yarn and colours that people love was serendipitous. The Rainbow mice too.

I’m not very good at being serious, (it got me into a lot of trouble when I was at school) and the things I create generally end up making people smile. When I was at Art School I was told I would ‘grow out’ of wanting to make happy stuff, I’m so glad I didn’t!
With needlefelting I do compare myself with others. There are some amazing artists out there who make wonderfully realistic things with needlefelt and if I think about it too much I feel rather inadequate. However, I don’t actually want to make things like that myself! I do love the process, I like turning soft fluff into firm sculpture. When people talk to me about what I do during Open Studios the main emotions seem to be surprise… and laughter. Nothing wrong with that!
This is the Green Man I created for this year’s Norfolk and Norwich Open Studios and you can see how he came into being on the Two Rivers Trail Blog...

Why do I write/create what I do?
Well, I create because I’m alive, it’s just part of me. I’ve done it since I was old enough to hold a crayon, snip with scissors. And as for writing, I started writing the blog when I was at a low ebb and writing about what I was doing meant I had to do something to write about. (It was very good therapy, I recommend it!) Now it’s second nature and it really bothers me when life gets in the way and time passes and I haven’t written anything. And I love being part of the Blogosphere with all the interaction with the rest of the World Wide Web.
How does your writing/creating process work?
Because I’ve been writing the blog for so long I have a sort of virtual filing cabinet in the back of my head where things to write about are noted and kept, and I usually have my camera or phone with me so I can capture images which inspire me to write. I don’t usually struggle to find material to use for a blog post, it’s more the other way around, there so much stuff stored in there I can’t decide what to write about first!
As for creating, it’s really hard to say. Sometimes when I’m needlefelting things sort of arrive when I’m not expecting them, I suppose my subconscious is working out what’s going on because it doesn’t trust the conscious me to get it right!
And now to send you hopping off in another direction…
First up is Gina, a very talented lady who writes the ‘Fan My Flame’ blog. You might remember the beautiful little Alice in Wonderland I bought from Gina a couple of years ago…

Gina describes herself as ‘a textile artist, machine embroiderer, teacher, passionate baker and blogger’, which is very modest considering all she does. You’ll find out when you visit ‘Fan My Flame’, I recommend it!
Secondly is Sue, aka Mrs Micawber…
“My name is Sue Perez – alias Mrs. Micawber – and I live and crochet in Wisconsin. When not crocheting, I read, blog, cycle, take photos when cycling (for the blog), cook, and occasionally clean the house. In winter I walk (though not as often as I ought), and grumble about the weather. I’ve been known to knit, sew, bead, and quilt, but crochet is far and away my favourite craft. These agreeable activities are financed by a job outside the home, but why talk about work when there are so many more pleasant things to discuss? 
My blog, Mr. Micawber’s Recipe for Happiness, was started to while away the time when my work hours were severely cut. Through blogging, I’ve made friends all around the world, and now I can’t imagine life without it.”
Sue writes the most beautiful crochet patterns, again, well worth a visit!
I hope you enjoy hopping about in Blogland. It’s worth working backwards too if you are looking for interesting new crafty blogs to follow…
And I’ll be back soon…x