Category Archives: Puppy tales


We’ve got to do the prize draw.  Higgins was really looking forward to it. We were going to have fun with the hat, and interesting pieces of paper and possibly running round the garden trying to read the piece of paper before it got too soggy.

But Higgins is a poorly little pup…

We had to spend some time at the vet’s today because he couldn’t eat his breakfast biscuits and spat out his cornflake at Granny’s.  And when he barked at the post lady, he squeaked.  It seems to be a sore throat.  I have been poaching chicken to serve with rice and he can manage that.  No walkies, and no playing with friends…and Higgins can’t do that either! 

So while Higgins sleeps off the injection and the antibiotic tablets, I am quietly enlisting the assistance of the online Random Number Generator (which isn’t quite so much interactive fun)

I gave everyone a number, pressed go..and…


Sarah Hickman!

Congratulations Sarah! Your Pompom Bunting will be in the post next week, I hope you enjoy it.   Meanwhile, I shall put my nurse’s hat on again and go and check out the sick room…sssssh….

A Sunny Sunday and Using Up Leftovers

No lie-in allowed this morning!  Last night’s weather forecast promised us we’d lose the sunshine in the afternoon and the beach was calling.  We were there by nine o’clock, bright sun, an incoming tide and a stiffish breeze. Very bracing.  Only two other cars in the lane ( the beauty of our favourite beach is that there is no car park, no tearoom!) so once we came over the top of the dune the beach was nearly deserted.  Higgins is now reliable enough to run off the lead, although he really misses having someone young enough to run with him. 

Considering his reluctance to set foot outside when it’s raining and puddly he’s quite intrepid when it comes to the interesting pools forming as the tide raced in…

He hasn’t quite found a deep enough bit to actually have to swim yet so I hope I have the camera to hand when he does.

While Higgins sleeps off all that exercise I’m sorting out my leftover yarn. 

I have a bit of an obsessive thing about winding wool.  I have a lovely gadget for doing the big balls, but these little bits get wound very carefully by hand so they look pretty.  (Yes, OK!  I know it’s weird but it makes me happy…)

And it’s something to do while I decide what I else I can make.

I’ve lost my diary.  It’s slim, anonymous, dark blue.  Perfect for slipping in between books and magazines and losing forever.  Well at least long enough to be madly inconvenient.  So I decided to get something more substantial,  an academic one so I can start it now.

But it’s not really me, is it?  But, with a little application of brightly coloured yarn it can be made much harder to lose…

Although Tim has pointed out that I’m going to lose it as soon as I put it down on the blanket….

I’m also suffering from rapidly cooling coffee, but not any more…

… there are STILL bits of wool left, but I have a plan!  Bunting! Well, everyone  loves bunting.  In fact, it would be quite nice to think of a new slant on bunting….


I’m very happy with the pompoms…and I still love all those colours.  I also have lots of cushions just waiting for covers…and a new sofa which needs cushions.

Which is why I went back to the market on Friday…

…for fresh supplies!

What Happened Next?

Just a little post about a mystery…

We’re having such lovely weather, and now I’m back on my feet my crafty partner-in-crime and I decided we needed a little sea air, acompanied by Higgins, of course.

( Do you like his Super Hero car harness?)

So off to our usual patch of Norfolk coast, absolutely gorgeous and inexplicably for such a lovely day, almost deserted.

The tide was coming in, and exciting little pools were forming.

Suddenly from over the breakwater two little terriers came bustling along, joined by a short lead.  Higgins was very pleased to meet them…

…but they were all on their own.

We spotted people walking along the dunes and assumed they were the dogs owners, but ten minutes later they had disappeared over the horizon, and the dogs were back with us.  Then we spotted someone lying by the breakwater in the distance and thought ‘Ah, that’s it’ and carried on shell spotting.  A few minutes after turning round however, there they were again, and we were worried to see that while one little dog was dashing along happily, the second dog looking  completely exhausted, was being dragged.

At this point three women came strolling along with their their own dog and stopped to admire ‘our’ dogs.  Once we’d explained they too became concerned so we had a look at their collars where we found three mobile numbers. Alas, only one phone between the five of us and no signal. 

We pointed out the distant, recumbant figure and they decided to walk the dogs back that way to see if it was indeed the dogs owner, and failing that said that the dogs couldn’t possibly be left  tired on the beach, with the tide coming in and if necessary they would take them home and contact the owners from there.

And that was how we left it.  I’m sure it was all fine, they were obviously dog people like us.  But how could it happen?  I don’t take my eyes off Higgins when we are out.  Was the person lying on the sand unwell?  What happened next?

We’ll never know…

Higgins in the Chair

Hello!  Higgins here! Have you missed us?

I’ve been REALLY busy…and very excited.

No one told me before, but I’ve got a Boy!

A Boy of my own!  Do you know what boys are?

 They are like people, but little. Like I’m like a dog, but little.

 (I’m only a bit like a dog, cos actually I’m a person)

 And boys like running around, like me.  All the time like me.

 AND shouting a lot, just like me.

There was a littler boy, I liked him too but he was a bit tricky.

I think he’s only a puppy. ( I was tricky too when I was a puppy)

 When he gets bigger we’ll have lots of fun.

We all went on the Bouncy Castle.

 (Mum said I couldn’t have a go, but I can jump much higher than she thinks)

AND we went to the beach…

…and did running..

…and running…

…and lots of running…

They’ve gone home now.  I’m very bored, and a bit tired…

But the Boy said he has a seaside at his new house, so we’re going to see him soon.

Mum says she is sorry she hasn’t been writing to you.

 She’s been spending a lot of time with something smelly in a bowl

with a blankie over her head, and barking a lot.

(That’s not fair, ‘cos she shouts when I do barking a lot)

Hope you have been having fun on the beach too,

lots of love from HIGGINS xxx

(Thank you, Higgins. I’ll be back soon, folks! P x)

Accelerated Aging


I’ve just had a birthday so I don’t need any more help towards wrinkles and grey hair. Higgins however is doing his best.

I’ve been a little lax on the blogging front lately, mainly due to a lack of photography rather than a lack of material so I decided to have a little photoshoot this afternoon.  I have to confess to a lack of originality for my latest project as I have been drawn back a number of times to Lucy’s technicolour blanket.  The colours are just SO scrummy!  I copied the list and left it at my favourite wool shop, and when a week later I had a call to say all the shades were in I dropped everything to go into Norwich to pick up my rainbow in a bag and came home to drool over the bright sugariness of the colours.

I toyed with another zigzag stripe but I’ve just made two in quick succession  and I know my boredom levels are low.  I decided on squares, not granny squares, too much stopping and starting and ends.  Big squares, using all seventeen colours, but in a different order ever time. 

 This way, hopefully, all the colours will run down at about the same rate and I can experiment with different combinations and be inspired for future projects.  I used my lovely blue studio sofa bed as a back drop, but despite being higher than our main sofa, Higgins’  ‘Zebedee’ springs meant that he went ‘boing’, and joined in.

It was afterwards, when I was downloading the pictures on to the computer that I heard suspicious noises from under the sofa bed. (If Higgins is behind or under something, there is always something illegal going on) There he was right at the back and out of reach, with a 2” long needle hanging out of one side of his mouth like a cigarette which meant he’d probably already swallowed the yarn threaded through it. Panic stations…my only hope was to lure him out with a bribe, but by the time I got back with the doggie treats, the needle had gone.

PANIC STATIONS! Ring the vet.  It’s Sunday. Listen to the recorded message telling me the opening hours.  That there is an emergency service.  Where the emergency is situated.  And then at last, the emergency service number.  Ring the number.  Recorded message explaining the function of the emergency service.  That it costs £80.  Eighty Pounds! That it’s for emergencies only.  At last, Gemma, the vet.  I’ve usefully spent the time on the phone so far hyperventilating and crying and trying to control same.  Managed to explain what happened coherently. Gemma says get here as soon as possible. Right. Fine. Oh God!  Can’t find the map.  Can’t SEE Google maps.
I sort of know where to go, but it’s about 15 miles away, the other side of Norwich, I’m a wet mess and Tim is in the middle of the North Sea.  Oblivious. 

Deep breaths.  I can do this.  Higgins strapped into the car next to me looking bemused.  Set off. I CAN do this. A hundred yards down the road, look at Higgins.  Higgins looks at me.  Spits out the needle…

It’s bent, the thread has gone and the eye has broken.  I turn round, go home and call the vet again.  She’s very pleased, we have gone from ‘Dire Emergency’ to ‘Keeping An Eye on Him’ and ‘Checking Out His Poos’.

And so here we are.  On the sofa.  Higgins, exhausted by my histrionics, snoring…

…and me, trying to regain my composure with a glass of wine…and another crochet square…

Lovely weather for ducks…

…and toads. I spent so long moaning about the cold during the winter I hesitate to mention the heat, but in Norfolk over the last few days it’s been hot,hot,hot… It was lovely to wake up this morning to the gentle patter of rain, and good that the dry spell didn’t break with a thunderstorm and a deluge that just runs straight off and down the drains.

Higgins has spent a lot of time lying around, too hot to get up to mischief (mostly). We tried a cooling spray of water from the hose but as far as he was concerned it was rain, and he was very put out. This morning when he barked to go out and it really was raining, he just sat and growled at it to stop. When it finally eased off enough for a quick sortie round the garden he was most intrigued to meet one of these…

I’ve not seen him wandering around the garden before, but he must have been feasting on our slugs for a while because he was really rather large. I hope by now he’s found another comfy spot for pest control duty.

I’ve been nibbling my way around the veg patch for a few weeks now, mostly salad greens and carrot thinnings. The mange tout have been tasty and the pea flowers very pretty…

… but my raised beds are not really big enough for such straggly plants. I keep finding enormous pods under the collapsed foliage which are definitely only suitable for ‘mange’ing the bits out of the middle. The beetroot are looking great though, and the little ones I thinned out were delicious. We had the first two courgettes for lunch, thumb size, and the first few beans, french and runner are beginning to show. Oh, and the potatoes I planted in two big buckets are looking really healthy. I just hope there’s something happening below soil level.

I’ve been trying to get some colour into the pots in the courtyard area by the studio to make up for the fact that my front garden is suffering from a) the dry and the heat and b) my inability to get things to flower which will take over from the spring flowers, aquilegia, poppies and all the other things currently running to seed. I’m finding the black walls of the studio a good background for bright colours. It worked well for the primulas…

…and now they are over I’ve planted a vibrant mix of dahlias and geraniums.

We actually managed to beat the blackbirds to the cherries this year, probably because we’ve had the best crop ever.

We can never get many as the trees are quite tall, and pruned to give a high canopy of shade, but Will went up and did his orangutan impression and we managed a couple of pounds of sweet dark fruit.

Trying to make the most of them I found a recipe for pickled cherries on the internet. Unfortunately not a good recipe, the amounts were all wrong so I had to improvise and won’t know if it worked for a month, but if it does I will let you know and share the recipe. Looks pretty though…

Cherry jam required stoning the fruit. Oh dear…Tim came into the kitchen to what appeared to be a blood bath…Juice on the work top, the floor, most of the utensils, my hands, arms, clothes… There was only a pound of cherries. I ended up with just a jar and half of jam which allows for testing…absolutely delicious…but by the time I had cleaned up and bleached the kitchen the project was probably not an effective use of time. Anyone getting offered cherry jam when they come to my house will know they are very special!

I’ve also finished a poignant project. A while ago I lost Jan, my much loved Aunt, a patchwork enthusiast. Her daughters-in-law passed on two works in progress along with her sewing effects, and hoped I might be able to make them into the family heirlooms Jan had intended. I was a bit stumped with the first one. It was a long strip of hand sewn hexagons, three to five pieces in width, and long enough to be the width of a double quilt. Looking at the prepared pieces, and the fabrics I had to work with, I wasn’t going to be able to complete something that size. And anyway, I really wanted to keep it as predominately Jan’s work and adding another nine tenths to it would take mean it was more my project. In the end I divided it into three pieces, and rejoined them to make a rectangle, piecing in hexagons Jan had tacked to card (old Christmas cards in fact, and rather moving to find cards from my grandfather, and other relatives now passed away amongst them) until I had something about baby quilt size.

Now I had to keep my fingers crossed for a baby! Last month, little Euan arrived. He would have been Jan’s fourth grandchild and she would have been so happy. But at least I could pass on the quilt she had made so much of, with both our names on the back, to give him a cuddle …


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