I really should have written this yesterday, a glorious day when the sun shone and I was feeling bright and positive, very ‘hearts and flowers! Today has been a ‘tupperware box‘ day, and I’ve been as grumpy and growly as Higgins with a new bone.
I will get out yesterdays photos and try to talk myself out of the glooms…
The day started beautifully, and despite the low temperatures managed a slow thaw during the day. I spread bird seed under the cherry trees and had a lot of visitors, chaffinches, sparrows, tits and a robin, three blackbirds and to my delight, a song thrush.
Also a mystery guest, slightly bigger than the thrush and blackbirds, and rounder with feathers in shades of grey. It didn’t get close enough to see properly, and I only managed these slightly grainy shots with the zoom…
Anyone got any clues? (Edited to add: Celia, of Purple Podded Peas, has enlighted me…A Fieldfare, thanks Celia!)
We went for chilly walk…after a disagreement about wrapping up warm to go out…
and despite the fact that by 4 o’clock it was freezing fast…
It was still very enjoyable…
and in the evening I made lots of little crochet flowers and leaves then sewed them together with the hearts from this pattern to make a Valentine’s Day garland. What do you think?
So I hope you’ll join in with some reasons to be cheerful to dispel any negative thoughts floating around. I must finish to get ready for this month’s Knit and Stitch meeting, that should cheer me up!
So do join in via the Linky below where you can leave a link to your blog, or by using the comments list. It’s always lovely to hear from you.
See you soon x