Here we are on Day Four of the Advent Calendar and I’ve been ferreting around in the button box! Well, the Mother-of-Pearl button box to be precise…
to reprise a little decoration I made a few Christmases ago. I spotted the idea in an upmarket catalogue and decided it would be silly to buy it when I had so many buttons, had a go at making it and was very happy with the result, and very smug because it hadn’t cost me anything!
The box is rather full, but I’m gradually working my through the small buttons…
I shall have to be inventive for the big ones!
It’s a very simple little button heart…
and apart from the buttons all you need is gold or silver wire and some jewellery pliers.
Select your buttons and lay them out in your desired order. Cut two lengths of wire, about 18″ in length, you just snip off the excess. Twist the wires together a couple of inches from one end then thread the first button on to one of the wires then twist the two wires together for a few turns before threading the next button on a single wire again.
Continue like this until you have used all the buttons, then bend into the desired shape, bringing the two ends together at the top of the heart. Then you can use the excess wire to twist a hanging loop, and snip off the ends.
Finish with a length of pretty ribbon or cord…
hang, stand back and admire!
Of course you can use any buttons you happen to have in your workbox, coloured ones look pretty too…
Have fun, I’ll be back tomorrow….x