One of the aspects of writing a crochet pattern is the constant niggle in the background of accuracy.
I don’t know about you, but I rely heavily on my spell checker when I’m using a keyboard, my spelling is much worse when I’m typing (and it can be a bit erratic when I’m using a pen, I must confess!) However, that’s no help at all for typing crochet abbreviations so it’s quite a slow process. And that’s after dreaming up the idea to begin with and then making it a second time so the pattern can be recorded.
By the time you get to the point where you make the item again from what you have written down it’s hard to judge whether you have explained yourself properly. By then you know the pattern inside out!
My latest make is a granny square cushion cover using the Planet Penny Cotton Colours with Snowdrop yarn which I backed with one of the PP fat quarters – jolly red and white spottiness.
I’m very happy with it, but now there is the question of the crochet pattern, and the making up instructions, and making sure it all makes sense.
What I need are some testers, and I’m trying to work out the best way to make it work.
…if you are a Planet Penny customer with a Rainbow pack of yarn who would like to make a cushion, I’ll provide the pattern, the fat quarter and a ball of Snowdrop yarn in return for trying out the pattern, giving constructive criticism, and sending photos of the finished article. How does that sound?
If you could help test the Granny Square Cushion crochet pattern I’d love to hear from you. You would need to have some crochet experience, be used to working from a pattern, have basic sewing machine skills, and be able to produce a clear photo of the finished article.
You can leave a comment, or get in touch via the contacts form with some details which will help me choose. I need 2 or 3 people to get a good cross section.
I’m really looking forward to hearing from you and hearing about your crochet pattern skills!