Well, we didn’t expect to meet HIM on a Norwich street! I know nothing about him, who he is or where he came from, but it’s a really good way to top a bollard! We were ‘up the ci’y’ today combining hair cuts with a Louise Richardson and Andy Campbell exhibition. (It’s Thursday again!)
Our hairdresser is situated in the Royal Arcade in Norwich, which is a pretty good place to start to the day. While Kit was in the chair, I went off to the market where the nice lady on the wool stall was, as usual, able to supply exactly what I needed.
In this case, the wherewithall for portable holiday knitting, and a start on Christmas presents for nearest and dearest!
Our intended destination was the King of Hearts, to see an exhibition by Louise Richardson and Andrew Campbell. It was a really inspiring exhibition. Although their work is very different in execution, the overall effect in an exhibition situation blends beautifully, and the space at the King of Hearts works very well.

Gotto Collection
Some of the pieces were displayed behind glass, making it difficult to do them justice with a photograph,but I do have some particular favourites. These by Louise…
and these by Andrew…
As well as an exhibition space, The King of Hearts has a music room for lunchtime concerts…
I would point out that the wonkiness is due, not to a faulty camera or even a liquid lunch, but to Tudor builders! A shop full of beautiful craftsman (craftswoman, craftsperson?) made pieces…
And a sunny courtyard..
Where we ate lunch.
Refreshed, both in body and spirit, we headed up Magdalen Street in search of the Park and Ride bus, but were distracted by a bargain set of curtains in the Oxfam shop anda wonderful Emporium of vintageness in the old Looses building…
At this point I would have been grateful to find a pair of Louise Richardson’s shoes to take me home, rather than a bus!