It’s that time of year again, and I’m getting all geared up for our annual Festive Fair, the seventh! I’m a member of the Two Rivers Artists group here in Norfolk. We originally got together for The Norfolk and Norwich Open Studios and have continued our association ever since. We all do something different, which makes for a creatively inspiring group, and we share the same slightly potty sense of humour! We always have fantastic guests at the fair so it’s a brilliant place to start your Christmas shopping. You can find out more on the website.

I’ve been beavering away in the studio making needlefelted goodies for my stall at the Festive Fair but what I’m really going to concentrate on for the future will be teaching the skill to other people. We have a great eco built hall in the village with a meeting room which is the perfect size for a group of students and I have recently held a couple of workshops there which were great fun. So 2020 here I come! I’ll be promoting the workshops at the fair so if you are in Norfolk it would be lovely to see you.

I shall leave you with an image of Higgins, who does NOT approve of all my busyness and has retreated under his blanket to sulk!

I’ll be back soon…x