…just five more sleeps to go! The Open Studio signs are all down, and it’s all systems go for Saturday. I’ve been working on the Planet Penny stall which has meant I’ve spent most of the day sticking felt on Higgins’ dog food boxes – all will be revealed eventually, I promise – but I really wanted to give a plug to my fellow stallholders, who are, in no particular order…
Acorn and Will
Bobo Bun
Catherine Daniel Ceramics
Daisy Boo’s Kitchen
Emma Mitchell Designs
Faded Splendour
Glory Days
High Fibre Design
Magic Cochin’s Emporium
Sasha Allan Toymaker
Susan Cariello
Trishe Darling Millinery
The lovely Celia from Magic Cochin’s Emporium travelled all the way up to see us at Open Studios yesterday … although I actually think it was mainly to see Higgins … it’s very special to meet a Cyberspace friend in the flesh!
It’s been drizzly and grey today so I haven’t been able to take any photos worth showing of some of the goodies I’ve been creating for the Market, but I’ll do my best to share the Planet Penny preparations as the week progresses!