Tag Archives: Knitting

Reasons to be Cheerful 11

Hello! It’s very cheerful here on Planet Penny…a blue, blue sky and bright sunshine –  a perfect winters day.  And when Higgins and I went round the garden this morning we found these little lovelies optimistically anticipating  Spring…

Helleborus - Reasons to be Cheerful 11

Primrose -  Reasons to be Cheerful 11

They are probably being a little too optimistic seeing as we’re not even in the middle of January yet, but I shall enjoy them while I can!

And I have my usual post Christmas bunch of daffodils which I have to welcome the New Year.  There’s something so fresh and hopeful about the delicate lemon/yellow and green after the bright colours and rich decorations of Christmas.  They’re not quite open yet…

Daffodil bud -  Reasons to be Cheerful 11

…so I’ve got it all to look forward to!

Daffodils on the Dresser -  Reasons to be Cheerful 11

Can you see those spools on the the top of the dresser?  I bought them at the Knitting and Stitching show last year and forgot to show them to you.  They were empty when I bought them, but it was an ideal way of showing of some ribbons, tapes and bindings I’ve had in my stash waiting for the right moment to star…

The top two and the far right one are some I found in France and wrote about in this post, the blue and white stripe bias binding is made from a favourite shirt of Tim’s and the seashell ribbon was tied round a birthday present.  This way I can enjoy them even though I haven’t actually made anything with them yet! (I can’t remember the name of the company I bought them from at the Show, but I’ve found them for sale via Not on the High Street from Jane Means)

And the other thing which has made me happy is a little rabbit.  I don’t really knit animals much as I love to needlefelt them, but yesterday I discovered a bag of sample wool…

and this Debbie Bliss book which I’ve had for years…

click image for info

As I discovered it while I was looking for my mislaid sock pattern (which I needed as I’d got to the point of turning the heel) I abandoned the search, grabbed the most bunny coloured wool and some needles and created my own version of  a Debbie Bliss rabbit. (I know, what a butterfly brain!)

I’ve used vintage mother-of pearl buttons to attach the limbs and shirt buttons for the eyes so he wouldn’t be suitable for a little one, but I think he’ll be staying with me for the moment!

So that’s what making me cheerful this week, how about you?  Do share your thoughts by adding your blog  to the Linky below, or if you don’t have a blog, leaving a comment.  I really appreciate all your comments on every post and always read them.  If you are linking your blog, don’t forget to link back to Planet Penny so we can really spread a little cheerfulness!

And now I’d better get back to looking for that sock pattern….

See you soon! x

Bringing the Rainbow Home…

Hello, and Happy Monday!  And it’s Handmade Monday too, so lots of lovely links on the Ist Uniques Gifts blog to follow to see what other crafty things are going on.

I’ve just about recovered from our long day on Friday, which ended up with a Chinese takeaway at 9pm! I’m so glad we had a nice coach driver to get us there and back too, or I might have been found still in the hall on packing up day, asleep round the back of a stall on a pile of wool…

So much to see at the Knitting and Stitching Show, I did try to focus on the knitting, crochet and yarn, and not be distracted by embroidery, cross-stitch, dyeing, machining, fabrics, jewellery and…and…!

It was actually quite hard to photograph. Not everyone was happy with photos being taken, and a lot of the time it was hard to get past the crowds, but here is a flavour…

The venue, Alexandra Palace, has an interesting history and a wonderful view of London…

…and inside…

There were exhibitions too…

…I think this might give Higgins a fright!

I found Sasha Kagan and a blast from the past, I remember my mother knitting this one in the eighties…

I could have spent a fortune, so many beautiful yarns, but at least I could gather up cards for contacts and websites so I can browse online.   I was very happy to find this company…

because they have a fabulous shade card…

It was lovely to find Sarah at Blooming Felt, I did spend a bit there ….umm…

There were big jars full of little felt balls like a sweetie shop, SO pretty!

Fell for these gorgeous buttons…

…and some bobbly blue yarn..

…and then I found something completely different, but it was just my colours…

I know.  You’re looking and thinking, but there’s black, and orange, those aren’t Planet Penny colours.

But look…

…and watch this…

…and now I have a rainbow ball to hang from the ceiling to add a little happiness to the forth coming winter gloom…

So after that paper folding episode, I’d better get back to business, and my crochet rainbow…

Tonight’s the night for the Naming of the Cow, and the draw so do call back in a couple of days and find out what went on!

See you then x


Tiptoeing Round the Corner….

…waving a sock.  Hello!   Can I join in?  I know it’s Handmade Monday and I know it’s a bit late and …I only have – a sock.  Just the one.  And yes, actually, it isn’t quite finished…. but I’ve been awfully busy and I really really want to join in…Is it ok? Hmmm?

It has been a busy weekend, so I hope you’ll forgive my lack of productivity!  We headed off to London town in the white van, filled with all Aimee’s worldly goods…

No kitchen sink, but there was a bongo drum and a unicycle….

Her mother’s daughter, apparently…

We had things to deliver to the South Coast too, so more family was visited and I managed a visit to a favourite shop for curtain fabric where the lady of the shop had her own brand of fabulousness …

and a great blog too…Pop along and say hello!

Higgins didn’t want to be a  White Van Dog, so he went to the Norfolk coast for a little break.

Oooh, these sand dunes are a bit steep...


...but this wet sand is nice and cool....

...and the sea is even cooler on the tum....

...and it's nice to have a sunny patch to dry off in...

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible

Handmade Monday…again!

Happy Monday!  I hope that wherever you are you are not being washed or swept away.  Not too awful in Norfolk, but soggy enough for Higgins to decide a lie-in is the best option!

A shortish post today, I’m getting ready for a Needlefelting class this evening, for a local group. They are known as WISE, which I believe stands for Women In Search of Entertainment, so I hope I can keep them entertained.  They meet in the pub, which is nice, although I think the drinks ought to be fairly weak while the felting needles are flying around!  (I’m taking the monkey plasters, as insurance.) We’ll be making cupcakes again…

I seem to have scored a hit with the last project I was working on.  Do you remember this?…

…which showed you in this post.

I decided it was a bit half-hearted and so put it back on the needles and used the remaining wool to make it longer, and more versatile, more of a statement.  I needed a model…

…and it seemed to suit…

Can you see the look in her eye?

It never came off, and went out of the door that evening on a very happy daughter!

So I’m trying again, as I went shopping at the weekend and came back with more beautiful yarn…

which I now have it on the needles to pick up in odd quiet moments…. (I’ll be modelling this one myself, I think!)

While I was in Norwich I paid a visit to the Norwich Print Fair which is always very inspiring and is in a very interesting and pretty part of the city…

(click on the photos if you want to find out more…)

And was also able to meet two fellowTweeters!  One of the upsides of spending time (too much time!) in cyberspace is linking up with people from all over the world, so you don’t often get an opportunity to meet up in person.  I am @woollyplanet on Twitter, and introduced myself to Mandy Walden by waving my sheep pendant and going Baaaa! (Tim reckons I’m probably certifiable) but Mandy knew who I was!  And I also found Sarah Bays, whose print of the ‘Chicken of Doom’ reminds me a lot of my last bird, Attila the Hen.  If you can’t get along to the print fair, which is on ’till the 17th of this month, do look at all the beautiful prints on the website.  I always come away wishing I had more wallspace.

Did I say this would be a short post? How I rabbit on…

I’m linking up again with Wendy on 1st Unique Gifts for Handmade Monday where you can  browse though the list of other crafty bloggers.  Do go and have a look.

Have a lovely week, see you soon x

P.S. I’ve just found out it’s National Cupcake Week, very appropriately, although I don’t think those cupcakes will be as ‘high fibre’ as mine! 


A Wave in Passing…

…to Handmade Monday!  I shouldn’t really be here…I’m packing….. but I just had to fit in a quick post before we take off for a few days at the seaside.

I do seem to have packed quite a lot of little projects to take with me, you know, just in case.  It would be terrible to have idle hands!

So, there are the birthday socks to finish…

…a few more squares to add to the blanket…

…and if I need a change,  something warm and snuggly to made from this, I haven’t decided quite what yet…

as well as a couple of books, my camera, notebook….

I’ve just time to share the birthday cake, (well, pictures of it, that’s all that’s left!) which I made for a friend’s birthday party over the weekend.  An extremely clever friend who built his own car….

…like this…

When I come home I will share the recipe of this, the most chocolatey chocolate cake in the world…it’s called Clovis cake!

All will be explained…..

So do pop along to Handmade Monday 31 to see who else is joining in.  Sorry to be so brief, Higgins and I will be back soon with tales of holiday fun….

Byeeee! xx


A Nature Walk…and a Ta-Daaaa…!

Did you go on Nature walks when you were at Primary School? I can remember being marched along the pavement in a crocodile, hand in hand with my best friend, collect leaves and nuts for the Nature table. All my memories seem to be Autumnal, I’m sure we went at other times too.

Higgins and I went for a walk yesterday which turned into a nature walk, although I did all my collecting with the camera. I’ve just been turning them into a  mosaic and I liked it so much I though I’d share it with you…

It’s amazing just how much there is to see in quite a small area of countryside.

And the Ta-Daaa?  Well, I’ve finished the Boneyard Shawl, which I wrote about here (and that’s despite making all those pompoms!)

I really love the colours…

and it’s lovely and soft and snuggly…

I used 4 balls in the end so it’s quite a good size…

Although I don’t what it was with the shaping, it must be me…it looks a little like a sting ray!

One of the compensations of the end of the summer is going to be having an excuse to get all wrapped up in knitting!

Well, the prickling of the hairs on the back of my neck tell me…just let me have a peek… yes, as I thought, I am getting a HARD STARE…it’s walkies time again.

I’d better get the lead …
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