That September ‘new term’ feeling never goes away really, does it? All those years of seeing the ‘Back to School’ displays in the shop windows, the new school sandals (yuk!) and the new pencil case.
So it always seems a good time to start something new, or give something established a freshen up and that’s what I’m working on with the blog at the moment. I’ve been blogging now for seven years, I can hardly believe it… there are 569 posts! Because the whole thing has grown up a bit piecemeal over time I need to have a tidy up.
But it’s a bit like deciding to sort out the box of photos under the bed. I’ve got right back to the beginning re-reading every post, it’s a lovely trip down memory lane! I’ve gone back to past holidays, the arrival of Higgins and all the cute baby pics, the building of my studio, the passing seasons…It’s such a lovely record of my life and I’d never have done it without the blog.
I’m sure you’ve noticed the new Planet Penny header. There’s so much going on here that than just wool so although I’m very fond of my sheep, I hope the new look encompasses the fact there’s a lot going on, and it’s all colourful!
But as well as beavering away at the computer I’m trying to make the most of any September sun which comes our way, (which, alas, has been a bit elusive. I’m listening to the rain as I type!) I’ve been in charge of dog walking this past week so my camera has gone with me, and also a little friend of Higgins called Coco. I’ve had my hands full.

The hedgerows are full of berries this year, I don’t know when I’ve seen so many. It’s a sign of bad weather to come so they say… memo to self: Knit more socks!
Just such a fabulous colour, aren’t they? I always think the Nightshade berries look like necklaces the way they twine through the hedgerows…
Having a supply of poo bags when out for a walk is jolly handy if you want to do a spot of spontaneous blackberry picking…
But there are still summer flowers…
And bees…
and a fairy ring…
But the fairy dogs weren’t interested…
…until I mentioned the word T-R-E-A-T-S…
Higgins gets quite bossy about treats!
Meanwhile, back home and I’m crocheting up a big warm sweater with cold days in the studio in mind. After my lovely weekend at the Crochet Retreat with Frank & Olive I was inspired by Ruby’s big chunky crochet creations and so I was delighted to find that the issue of Simply Crochet magazine I bought last year (because I’m in it too!) had Ruby’s jumper on the front.
I’ve customised it (because I’m not a sylph-like twenty year old) and I think it’s going to be very cosy. It’s a brilliantly simple pattern, no shaping and only the one stitch all through. What can go wrong? Picking up the wrong hook and doing half a sleeve with it before noticing, that’s what went wrong! 
So, not quite finished yet.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my September ramblings, do you spring clean in September too?
I’ll be back soon…x
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