Are you superstitious? How was Friday 13th for you? It’s never been a problem for me and I’ve tended to let it pass me by, but I’ve had my Friday 13th moment now and after a little debate with myself, I’ve decided to share it with you.
I went to bed on Thursday with a hot water bottle on a sore tum, and although that subsided in the night, I still wasn’t feeling terribly good and so drove myself off to the surgery. Imagine my surprise when after questions and tests, it was decided that an ambulance should be called! My initial reaction was to want to go home for a lie down and wait for it to go away, but I was told firmly that they couldn’t actually rule out a heart attack or an aortic aneurysm and I wouldn’t be much good to anyone if I went home and died. Blimey! Oh all right then…
You’ve got to give the good old NHS it’s due. I’ve moaned a lot about it in the past, but when you need it it, it’s there, you get put in the system and there’s no one there waiting for you to produce your cheque book first.
So off in the ambulance, covered in sticky dots and attached to a monitor. It was all so surreal I didn’t feel the slightest bit worried, and was really excited when the siren went on!
Anyway to cut a long story short, I’m fine. I had loads of tests and everything came back normal. The worst thing about the day was I didn’t have my emergency knitting, or a book so I was very bored, and hospital Cauliflower Cheese is appalling, how do you cook carrots so they are both bendy and crunchy at the same time? (The suggestion is that I’ve probably got an acidy gastric thing going on so it’s just as well I’ve got back to home cooking!)
So I might have my gloomy January moments, but I do look on the bright side about a ride in an ambulance!
And talking of January gloom and adding some brightness, I was inspired by this post over on Countrystyle Living to try a bit of candle recycling. I had a couple of ends of scented candle which when added to an ordinary white household candle and melted down made enough wax for this…
I used the wick from the household candle in the cup…
…and I’m very pleased with the result. It gives a rather neglected little teacup and saucer it’s moment of glory too!
I also have a new LYS. Well I’ve cheated rather, there’s a lovely shop called Norfolk Yarn in a part of Norwich I just never seemed to get to , but now I can count it as local because my Son and Daughter-in-law to be have moved in just a 6 minute walk away (can you tell I Googled it!) So when we called for coffee on Saturday I knew I had to do a detour to have a little browse around.
This is also where I found the Silent Sunday spinning wheel. I had one once a long time ago, but it didn’t fit in with a small house, three children, a large dog and no time. As I still have a small house and no time I think I’ll just stick to admiring other peoples!
And I did fall in love with the beautiful bag which the shop owner brought out to show me…
…and this is the base…
It’s knitted with Noro yarn and felted, and I shall be investigating the source of the pattern shortly. I feel a project coming on!
I couldn’t come away empty handed though, could I? I was thrilled to see the Ashford Tekapo wool which Alice uses over on Crochet with Raymond and as she has spoken so highly of it I bought enough to get me going. The plan is for another sampler blanket similar to this one which I started this blog with…
This one went off to the grandsons to snuggle up in, but I’m hoping to make a more outdoorsy, cosy one for sitting under when it gets chilly by the barbecue so I’ve chosen something a bit subtler than my usual colour pallette…
I’ve got some pattern books for inspiration, a new one…
This one I’ve had a while…
…and this one dates back to 1979!!!
…but it’s got some amazing inspiration inside!
After that, my first dabblings look a little tame, but we’ll see!
Well, I’d better stop now. There is a chicken roasting in the oven with a bunch of thyme stuffed in the cavity and there’s a most tantalising smell wafting my way! I’ve got a few last things to get ready for teaching the Needlefelted cupcake pincushion course at The OutHouse in Aylsham this coming Tuesday. If you are in Norfolk there are still a couple of places left, it would be lovely to see you!
I’m off to link up with the amazing Wendy of 1st Unique Gifts, who does so much and still manages to host Handmade Monday each week! Do go over and find all the other links and see what’s been going on…
See you soon…xxx