I’m a bit obsessed with penguins at the moment!
I saw the John Lewis advert last week (the beginning of November for heaven’s sake, far too early…but adorable all the same!)
…and in a parallel universe I would definitely have a pet penguin, Higgins would love a little friend.
However, it got me thinking about making something a bit different this year for my stall at the Two Rivers Trail Festive Fair. With that in mind I’ve made some needlefelt penguins and I thought I’d drop in here for some opinions…
So here’s my little Penguin Party…
And the question is, do I or don’t I add little knitted scarves, and would they be better with or without a hanger for the tree? I’ve thought about too much and need a second opinion! What you think?
And finally thank you you for the lovely comments after my last post. It’s so good to know you enjoy calling in to Planet Penny. Higgins, as always, is basking in the admiration of his fans (and really doesn’t want to play second fiddle to some silly penguins!) Back soon…x