Hello, lovelies…have you wondering where I’ve been hiding? I have to confess to disappearing down the rabbit hole, and longer I was down there, the harder it became to climb out!
But April is here, the sun is shining and I can see things more clearly now.
I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that Brexit has done for Planet Penny and the cotton yarns. The supplier is in Europe, and between the fall in the pound and the prospect of customs and duties the knock on effect to my prices is just not viable. I need to find another direction, and that what I’m working on right now.
In the meantime, the stock I have remaining is still available in the Etsy shop. When the Rainbow, Ice Cream and Pastel packs have gone I will create some one off collections with what is left .

Planet Penny Cotton – Rainbow

Planet Penny Cotton – Icecream

Planet Penny Cotton – Pastel
So if you would like the chance to purchase one of the last ever packs of Planet Penny Cotton, be quick, there aren’t many left!
In the meantime I am going back to my eclectic creative roots here on Planet Penny to see what happens next, I hope you’ll join me. In the meantime, there’s always Higgins!
See you soon….x