I can’t help it, I’m going to waffle on about waffles!
We’ve been celebrating this weekend, can you believe it’s actually SIX years since Higgins came into our lives…SIX! Life hasn’t been the same since!
So a celebratory breakfast was called for, and excuse to test the super duper waffle maker kindly sent by Cakemart for me try out. I’ve never made waffles before, simply because I didn’t think I could manage one of those traditional heavy waffle irons, but this one is really easy.
It’s very Planet Penny don’t you think? Pink AND heart shaped…The only thing to note is the waffle maker is supplied with a European plug and so will need an adaptor if you are in the UK.
The waffle maker comes with it’s own recipe leaflet, but I used the Cherry Poppy Seed Waffle recipe from my new favourite cook book, A Modern Way to Eat by Anna Jones and it was completely yummy. The recipe uses oats ground to a flour, something I’ve not tried before, but it makes for a lovely light consistency and you need about 3 tablespoons of batter at a time to make the perfect size. (I had a few wonky waffles to eat while I worked that out!)
Served with the warm cherries and a drizzle of yoghurt these waffles are an absolute treat, and warm up well in the toaster too if you have any leftovers (there weren’t many!)
The waffle maker is non stick so just needs a wipe with kitchen paper after you’ve finished, no washing up, hooray!
So if you’ve never made waffles before it’s worth giving this a try, and if you are already a convert, what’s your favourite recipe and topping? It would be great to share in the comments, don’t you think?
I’ll be back soon…x
p.s. before you ask, Higgins had his waffle naked…he didn’t mind!