Back in November I reviewed a new part work series, Simple Stylish Knitting Magazine which I was very impressed by.
Unfortunately it seems it was a victim of it’s own success, selling out quickly and having to go to reprint. I know there were a lot of disappointed people because I followed the story via the Simple Stylish Knitting Facebook Page. However, it’s now back and available via subscription and very happily I received a bulky parcel in the post containing the next 4 issues and a folder in which to keep them. I really like that sort of mail, don’t you?
Each issue comes with a new stitch to learn and a ball of yarn with which to knit a sample square so eventually these can be sewn together to make a blanket.
This couldn’t have come at a better time because I have just persuaded my mother to try knitting again. As I’ve mentioned, my poor mum has had health problems over quite a few years, but once upon a time she was never without some knitting on the go, complicated fair isle and aran, baby clothes, a cobweb shawl… nothing fazed her. But once she was ill this all seemed to fall by the wayside, and when she couldn’t sit and knit for hours at a time, she just stopped all together, and then said she couldn’t do it any more…
So sad…
But I’ve just taken round a pair of needles with cast on stitches, handed them to her and said, go on, give it a go, and it worked! I’m really, really hoping that she’ll get back into it, even if she has to do a few rows at a time and then rest…all my fingers and toes are crossed, knitted squares could be perfect for her.
I’m sort of overwhelmed with projects I want to make having four issues arriving at once (so many things, so little time!) but I’ll share some now and some in another post. I love the moss stitch cushion, but I’d have the Planet Penny Moth to contend with…
I really wish I had pink wellies, but I don’t think they’d go well with Norfolk mud…
and there are no baby girls on the horizon at the moment but when there are…
Issue 3 with it’s ball of golden yarn has these jolly little egg hats…
…and a fabulously cosy cowl…
So I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to take the Simple Stylish Knitting Magazine folder round to my mum very soon and see if she having a go at something a bit more adventurous than the garter stitch I’ve started her off on. Wish me luck, I’ll let you know!
See you soon…x