Buttons, badges, pins or even brooches? Not sure, but I’ve been having fun with them! If you read this post you’ll know that I had a little kit for Christmas and now it’s all gone quiet I’ve been having a play.
They are very easy to make with the equipment supplied in the box…
and clear instructions…
…and there’s lots of scope for individuality. They look pretty just as a way of showing off a lovely scrap of favourite fabric, or with embroidery and embellishment can be as fancy as you like…
I particularly like these two…
…which I do think can be elevated to brooch status, but I also have a soft spot for this jolly one…
It’s certainly easier than the ones I made a while back using the buttons you cover yourself as I had to remove the button shank, and then cover the rather tatty looking back with felt before glueing on a pin.
It still works well though, and as you can see I’ve been experimenting with a little crochet edging in my own dyed wool. (It was far to much work dyeing it to waste a scrap!)
This one which was made using the biggest covered button I could find is covered in a piece of vintage embroidery salvaged from a very stained tablecloth…
It’s all been a bit of a displacement activity because I keep seeing all sorts of ‘mission statements’ on other blogs about intentions for the New Year and I’m still faffing around, not being able to make up my mind. Do I put all my ideas in black and white and frighten myself with a huge list and set myself up to fail, or do I just come up with a couple of things and do them really well, or shall I just make it up as I go along…? As usual…
Hmmm, I’ll let you know!
One thing I am going to do is to get to grips with the vegetable plot this year. Last Spring I got so tied up with Open Studios (and that’s happening again this year!) that in the end all I grew were Sweet Peas.They were the most successful Sweet Peas ever, but not what my raised beds were put in for so this year I must do better!
It was actually sunny and mild this morning, so I went out and cleared the first raised bed of all the chickweed, forget-me-not seedlings and oxalis…
…so I could put the cover on it ready to warm the soil…
The cover is looking rather well worn now, but does sterling service, and I leave the metal supports in place as they are so handy to lean on when you’re feeling a bit creaky!
Well, I think I qualify to join in with Wendy and the other Handmade Mondayers over on 1st Unique Gifts. Do go over to see what happening and also to admire Coral the Camper van!
See you soon! x