…go away.
As you can guess from this photo, I’m not in the studio this afternoon. I can’t hear myself think for the rain hammering on the roof, and I’m having to be inside to make soothing noises to a little dog who does not like thunder. It’s been the pattern for days, glorious sunshine in the morning and torrential rain and thunder in the afternoon. Unfortunately the mornings are when I’m busiest, and as I come to a breathing space, the thunder and lightening sets in.
Not to worry, I’m still managing to potter along creatively, if a trifle damply. If you remember last week, I was planning to make more of the Lovebirds in hearts. I tried trying out a slightly different style using a little wicker heart rather than the wool ones and I was very pleased with the effect…
I was pleasantly surprised to find it sold within hours of putting it in the Etsy shop, but rather annoyed that when I found these hearts to buy I only bought one as a sample, so it’s back to Norwich next week to for some more!
The Planet Penny Cotton selection has been selling well, and I’ve had to make a slight change in the range as the ‘Buttercup’ yellow was out of stock. I’ve replaced it for now with a really pretty ‘Sunshine’ (always pays to be optimistic!) yellow which is almost the same cheerful colour with a slight variegated effect…
I also spent some time rephotographing the Christmas Crochet Bunting from this tutorial. I have never been happy with the white on black image as although it show the Bunting off well, it looks stark, and not very Christmassy. So when I was contacted by Future Publishing Craft Division with a view to featuring it in a forthcoming magazine I knew I had to make it look more festive in the photos. I finally tracked down the perfect background for it in our local sewing store…
I’ll let you know more about it nearer the time, so watch this space!
Are you wondering how the Mad French Cat is faring after his recent disaster? Well, after the last check up with our lovely vet, he was given permission to come out of the crate, something Clovis has been working on for weeks…
He’s still on twice daily antibiotics for the next few weeks, and we don’t have a date for the pins to come out so we’re not out of the woods yet, but he’s able to prowl around my mum’s bungalow…loudly…ker-plunk….ker-plunk..
Ironically, his favourite place to sleep? In the crate! Ho-hum…
I’ve been meaning to share some shopping I’ve indulged in over the past few weeks, I don’t wan’t to be the only one led astray! The first was bought as birthday present for a close friend, but I’m soo tempted to go back and get one for me. Can you guess why?
You’ll find lots of other pretty things in their Etsy shop, Farrell & Holmes. My other impulse buy was by the power of Twitter! I was intending to do a little Twittering myself, but clicked on a photo and couldn’t resist this…
..could you? You’ll find more in the Etsy shop Miss Winnie Makes.
Well I’d better leave the laptop now and do something far more important, consoling Higgins. The thunder is still rumbling around, and he’s in a little shivery heap. He’s doesn’t want to be held, I suppose he feels out of control, so all I can do is make soothing noises. I hope it won’t be long before he’s back on form, working on the cuteness factor…
I’ll leave you with the usual link to Handmade Monday over on Handmade Harbour.
Hope you’re keeping dry, see you soon…x

I LOVE the fluffy bidry in the heart! SImply gorgeous no wonder it sold straight away.
The little heart is lovely too, is it slate? I have a plan for some similar christmas decorations with hemp hangers and dark pebbles
Aww poor little doggie he looks so sweet. Loving the birds no wonder it sold quickly.
I’m not surprised the bird in the heart sold straight away – he’s just gorgeous! And so is Higgins, of course.
So glad things have improved a bit for Clovis, let’s hope it continues to do so.
I also hope that thunder has stopped ~ poor Higgins.
Vivienne x
Poor Higgins. Hope the thunder stops soon for him. The wicker heart works really well with the lovebird.
Awww, even with the shivery factor, that Higgins still manages cuteness famously! Thank goatness it wasn’t the Marigold but the Buttercup you ran out of.
Happy rain! At least it isn’t hot.
As the wonderful folk in Norwich are so friendly have you tried phoning the shop and seeing if they would send them to you? They are only light so wouldn’t cost a lot?
I love your Christmas bunting, it is so delicate. Hope you have less thunder this week
awwww poor Higgins! He really is the cutest thing
i love love love the Farrel and Holmes doggies! will definitely be checking out their store.
I’m glad your first love bird sold so quickly, it really does look beautiful on its wicker perch
Love your lovebird – I’m not surprised it was so popular!
Hope Higgins is ok! I love those little dogs! And your love bird is fab, would quite like one of those myself! x
I’m not surprised the love bird sold so quickly, it’s really pretty. The bunting looks lovely on the red background. Glad to hear Clovis is back on his feet.
Ali x
I love the contrast of the fuzzy wool and the wicker. Looks lovely together.
I love the birds top knot, just makes me giggle. Can understand your need for the daxies too… too cute to give away!
Oh I do hope the thunder stops for you soon!!
I adore your little love-bird…. absolutely stunning!!
S x
The crochet Christmas bunting looks stunning on the red background. I’m glad Clovis is on the mend and hopefully this week there will be less rain and thunder so Higgins doesn’t get upset!
I agree! i wish the rain would go away. Poor kitty! Hope he feels better soon
Just wanted to thank you for including our lavender-scented dachshunds and Etsy shop in your blog! Hope Higgins has recovered from the scary weather (bless him) – our lurchers, Twiglet and Jacob, are both terrified of the thunder too
LouLou x
Oh! Poor Higgins! I also hate thunder… By the way the little fabric dogs are so great!!
Shivery or not, Higgins still looks cute to me. (Isn’t there some kind of vest for dogs who don’t like thunder? Yes, here it is: http://www.thundershirt.com/. Although if he doesn’t want to be cuddled perhaps he mightn’t like this either.)
So glad Clovis is out of the crate, poor guy.
I love the robin in the wicker heart! Hope your weather improves soon.
Oh poor Higgins and looking cuter than ever though. Love the little bird. Those dachshunds are very cute.
Glad to see Clovis is on the improve and guess he now feels secure in the crate with door open lol.
Poor Higgins but love the fabric Higginses. Hope you get back into your studio soon but can understand with the noise of the rain, a gentle shower is soothing but heavy forget in.
Glad Clovis is improving. I love you bird heart and can understand why it sold so quickly. Hope you have a good week and no thunder for Higgins’ sake.
Weather is so changeable at the moment I hate getting caught out in thunderstorms ( I find them scary too! ) I’m not surprised your piece sold on etsy so quickly its very cute
I’m so pleased you like the slate heart, I am a bit addicted to slate at the moment!
Higgins is a total sweetie, hope he calms down soon x
Love the crochet bunting! Will definitely have a go at that some time soon!
Oo, so much good stuff on here. You made me forget all about the rain at the start. Love the bird in the wicker heart. I’m not surprised it sold so quick. I can also understand why you’d be tempted by the little sausage dogs.
Sweet little bird, can’t imagine why it “flew” out of the shop! And keeping a kitty crated must be really hard. Pauli (my golden) is such a slug she would be easy, but a cat. I think not. Glad things are going well tho.
We have had so much rain too, btw. I am tired of it.
OH I love mini wiener dogs. I own two, black and tans, myself. GREAT pets. So cute and loyal and lovable!
Poor Higgins! Hope he settles down, and glad to hear that Clovis is on the mend.
The wicker heart looks fab!
Hope that weather sorts itself out by the end of the month!
Not suprised your biddy sold quickly cos he is gorgeous. Hugs Mrs A.
What lovely links to such lovely shops. Hope Higgins feels back to his normal self soon.
Cute birdie, and I love that bunting! Glad to see Clovis that good way, best wishes for his further recovery. Oh, and poor Higgins, I hope he’s feeling better meanwhile!
Pingback: A Needlefelt Bird in the Hand.... - planetpenny.co.uk | planetpenny.co.uk
Awww Higgins is so adorable what a lucky man to have such a caring owner.
Luv all your work and the colors you put into your art :O)