Double Trouble

There’s a lot of catching up to do and it seems the burning question I left hanging was the arrival of Finlay, our long awaited dachshund pup. So the big reveal is, we went off to collect one puppy, and came home with two!

it’s a long story, but there he was, the last of the litter, after problems with the original prospective buyer. And, well, how could we not?

Finlay’s little brother is Fergus and is a proper mummy’s boy. Finlay on the other hand is besotted by my husband and they both adore each other so it’s all worked rather well.

Their personalities are total different and they are both little hooligans, they only get away with it because they are so cute!

I can’t imagine only having one now, despite the chaos (anyone want a brand new but disemboweled dog bed?)

So as I gradually get back into the swing of things, my new studio assistants are probably going to be snuffling their way into the picture as only dachshunds can.
You have been warned!

If not now, when…?

The longer I leave it, the harder it is to restart! I’ve been faffing for far too long feeling that I need, want to start blogging again. And there’s only one thing to do…DO IT!

When I started Planet Penny all those years ago it was to get my creativity going, and it’s much the same now. I’m going back to basics now and starting over. I no longer run a business but I still need to be creative. I’m not going to worry about SEO and engagement, but I’d love to keep in touch with anyone who would like to follow along.
But even if I’m doing this just for me, I shall be doing it!

I’m sending a big hello to anyone who has been surprised by me turning up in their inbox, and I shall be back again very soon!

A New Family Member!

We’ve met our baby at last, and there is a story to tell.

Over the years I have been struck by how many times things have happened which seem to have been ‘meant’. Little things which link together which make you think that’s got to be more than a coincidence, even when the rational side of you wants to dismiss it all. I’ve given up being rational, it happens too often!

Mini dachshund
Finlay – six weeks old

During the first few days and weeks after losing Higgins I spent so long looking at dachshunds on social media that I now can’t log on without being inundated with images and websites to follow. It’s scary how the internet links in to your innermost thoughts! I found a Facebook page for UK dachshunds and there one evening I left a post, saying just how much I was missing Higgins and that in the near future I would be looking for a new little one to love.

And that is how I met Avril, the lovely lady of Woodlandax. Avril sent me such a lovely personal and sympathetic message when I was feeling so so sad. Avril has just started up as a breeder of dachshunds and had a dear little girl called Willow (who is adorable!) who was expecting a litter. The litter being the same mix as Higgins, a red mum and a black and tan dad.

So the fact that Avril, Willow and babies are a four hour drive away was obviously irrelevant!

One of the things which clicked with me was that Avril is determined to keep contact with the puppies and their families into the future. I’ve always regretted not knowing anything more about Higgins’ family over the years but it’s only now with social media that we can all keep in touch.

But the thing which resonated most with me was that Avril named the litter after flowers, and I found out she had named the little one I had chosen Forget-me-not. Not only are they one of my favourite flowers, they have self seeded all round my garden and Higgins casket is decorated with Forget-me-nots. Little Finlay Forget-me-not seems a perfect name.

Avril is keeping me up to date with daily photos of the puppies as they grow, and is doing amazing work acclimatising them to the world and all the strange noises that humans make, vacuum cleaners, fireworks and traffic and natural sounds like thunder. Finlay already responds to his name, and is peeing in the right place (long may that last!)

It was lovely to meet Finlay and siblings, little Willow (who is a wonderful mum) and of course Avril last weekend and we are counting the days now until we can go back to collect him.

If you want to keep up with the puppies do have a look at the Woodlandax Facebook page, they are sooo cute!

In case you are wondering if I have completely stopped being creative, don’t worry, I haven’t! I’m doing my usual thing of having several ( as in too many) projects on the go at once. A crochet blanket, a knitted shawl, a Skillshare course and there’s a cute pattern for a little dog jumper waiting in the wings. Just as well I haven’t sorted out the wool for that one yet or I’d have that on the needles as well!

The shawl came with me on our trip to Staffordshire which was just as well as we spent sooo long in traffic queues. Just as well I can knit in the car! I am now being really strict with myself and not allowing anything to come between me and the end of the second ball of yarn and a completed project.


I love the yarn. It’s Shhhhh DK from James C Brett, £4 for a 100gm ball. An accidental purchase when I unexpectedly found myself in a yarn store. Well it would have been rude not to, wouldn’t it? The colours make me think of Spring, new leaves and woodland blossoms. All the other colours are delicious too so I may just have to… No, stop it!

I must now hope that Finlay isn’t the wool eating monster that Higgins was!

Back soon…x

Happy Easter

I’m just popping in to wish you all a very happy Easter from Planet Penny, and Finlay!

Finlay is now four weeks and three days old so now seems a good time to announce his name. We are off to meet him in person at the end of the week, I’m so excited! He’ll be joining us next month which seems an awfully long time to wait, I’m so missing the patter of little feet.

I’ll be back soon… x

And so it begins…

I have news…happy news! Planet Penny has a new recruit lined up as Studio Assistant, Cuddle Sponge and Entertainments Officer. His job title is much longer than he is at the moment but he is doing his best to grow into it!

Dachshund puppies and mum

Here he is on the left, with his sister and mum.

It’s going to be while before he is ready to join us so I have some time to get into training for a fresh puppy experience. Higgins gave me plenty to go on, but I’m a bit rusty now. I also have the joys of the dachshund idea of ‘helping’ to look forward to, this was how Higgins did it!

Meanwhile, this little ray of sunshine and new life has got my creative juices flowing again and I’m making plans. My next post will be slightly less dog-centric, I promise. But in the meantime, I am besotted, aren’t you?!

Baby boy dachshund

See you soon…x

Return of the Light

I can’t believe it’s March already! Despite the current cold snap things are beginning to show signs of life in the garden and the evenings are getting ever lighter.
The patch of lawn under the cherry trees has been lit up with crocuses, have you noticed how the yellow ones glow in the sunlight? The snowdrops are beginning to sag a little but there are early daffodils and a clump of primroses which are very bravely blooming fit to bust. The blackthorn in the hedgerows is breaking out into flower, although I like it best when they are speckled with little creamy bobbly buds. The weeping willow at the end of the garden is showing a hint of lime green and blue tits are sizing up the nest box. Five blackbirds visit daily to snaffle up the tastiest morsels of bird food I’ve been scattering.

Spring is definitely on it’s way, optimism and new life.

With that in mind, I am looking ahead and planning to fill the empty space which appeared in my life, and that of my family, nearly seven weeks ago. A big empty void left by one very small dog. I’ve never been without a little four legged friend before. There has always been a dog or cat or dog and cat keeping us on our toes so these last few weeks have been very strange. With a holiday booked in May I knew we had to be sensible and hang fire until after then, but I am very broody!

So, whilst I can’t say too much at the moment, there is a ‘happy event’ due in the next week or so and, if things go as we hope there will be four small paws to fill the very big paw prints darling Higgins left behind.

Watch this space!

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