Lurchers and Llamas

Ok, that’s it, we’re bored now…it’s all …too…WHITE….

We were off to the other side of the county today for lunch with my cousin and after a lovely day yesterday it was a pain to wake up to frost, ice and gloom and then sleet. We had a phone call from said cousin to warn us they had a couple of inches of snow, but as it seemed the main road was clear and they had a tractor to get us out of any trouble we might run into on the track to their farmhouse we decided to brave it.

Apart from the nice people, and the good food, we wanted to see their lurcher.   They have two – lovely gentle dogs and I do love  lurchers. ( We used to have one, an enormous blonde called Spike, who was a complete wus,  having little Higgins was really going from the sublime to the ridiculous!)  However the whole family was devastated about five months ago when the young one was stolen.  Despite the theft being witnessed (and the dog being microchipped) a poster campaign, a reward being offered and information being past all round the county there were no clues or leads and every one was so upset.

Amazingly, and so happily, about three weeks ago she was found in a field somewhere near Skegness(quite a way from Norfolk)  by a lady who runs a greyhound rescue centre who just happened to be driving along a road she had never travelled on before who recognised her from the poster that had been circulated.  Because of her job she had a chip reader at home and was able to identify her and phone to give the good news.  The whole thing hung on so many happy coincidences it was incredible, and although she was very thin when  she first came home she is now looking good, and full of bounce (as the footprint in the middle of  Higgins ‘ little jumper demonstrated)

So, a lovely Sunday roast, and syrup sponge and custard – heaven – and then a snowy, slippery walk to try and shift a couple of calories.

I did try to get a picture of both dogs together, but look at the difference in the leg length, Higgins never managed to catch up!

He did meet another creature for the first time….Fergus…

Which was quite interesting…


I don’t think I could cope with the real thing, but I did find another llama I would have loved to bring home…

Isn’t he gorgeous?

I found the monocrome theme continued…

…and although I love snowdrops…

I so long for some colour. So it was nice to get back for a cup of tea and look at my cousin’s latest knitting project.  Craftiness runs in the family, and she is an expert on spinning,weaving, knitting, crochet  and  dyeing.  This was a departure, freeform knitting and crochet.  I’ve done a little and it’s fascinating, but this was spectacular.  It’s a shame the light means the photos don’t really do it justice but WOW, after all that white, we need those colours!

It’s mainly hand dyed silk, with little bits of llama and hand spun fleece.  I’ve just realised I was so excited I didn’t ask what the finished article would be, a knockout waistcoat?

It was a busy day, and very exciting for a small dog with very short legs. A lot of sleeping has been going on.  Higgins has obviously been having colour withdrawal symptoms too.  I bought a new fleece blanket yesterday, with the sofa bed that is going into the studio in mind. Higgins is testing it…

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About penny

I live in Norfolk, England in a cottage on the edge of the Norfolk Broads where it can be peaceful and beautiful, or wet and muddy, or occasionally wild and windswept. With me is husband Tim, Henry the elderly and opinionated tabby cat, and Higgins, the miniature dachshund with a massive personality. You’ll find me chattering on about wool and textiles, knitting and crochet, recipes, books and patterns, exhibitions and shopping and of course, the adventures of a small dog! Planet Penny has a Facebook Page, you can find me on UK Handmade and I am featured on Channel4/4Homes Favourite Craft Blog List.

6 thoughts on “Lurchers and Llamas

  1. magiccochin

    That was such a lovely post Penny, gosh! didn’t you have a super time!

    What amazing good fortune led to the return of that lovely dog – if only he could speak, what would the story be?

    Syrup sponge on a snowy day and llamas and lovely creativity (how does she do that knitting!) – what can be nicer!

    Higgins! – you’ve upstaged Penny again… 😉


  2. Rachel J. Fenton

    What a brilliant post – I adore lurchers. We’ve held off getting a dog not knowing if we wanted to stay here for definite, but if and when I decide – that would be my dog of choice! I’d simply look daft with a wee daschund at my feet and me like the prop taking a peg for a walk!

    Freeform knitting and crochet – I am normal – I can do that (well, not nearly so well or with such beautiful of clever results) – but never ever give me a pattern of any sort to follow!

    How’s that workshop coming along?

  3. Penny Graham-Jones

    The building is coming along, but the weather has been holding things up so no dramatically different photos to show you. Hopefully by the end of the week…Px

  4. vanessa

    Higgins is a proper little grown up Dachshund now isn’t he? Don’t they grow up fast!!!!!!! I always think that miniature dogs are so brave, considering their size. That freeform crochet looks interesting, it must be great fun to do. Love Vanessa xxx

  5. PinkCat

    A lovely post – I so enjoyed reading it and the pictures were fabulous. I haven’t seen snowdrops yet and we haven’t really had that much snow in London at all, but everything does seem a little late this year.

    Thanks for popping by my blog. It was lovely of you to visit and leave a comment – and for introducing me to your blog! x

  6. Paul Maclennan

    I was searching for blogs on lurchers and came across your page. I found your story of getting your dog back incredibly heart warming. I don’t know what I would do if someone stole my dog. He’s a collie lurcher and although he is incredibly disobediant is also incredibly loveable. I enjoyed your llama photos very much.

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