Norfolk Nature Walk

Welly Boots on a Norfolk Nature WalkThere’s nothing like a walk to kick start the system when you’re getting over a cold, and I would recommend the ‘Norfolk Nature Walk’ as a great remedy, especially when the sun comes out after days of wet and murky weather.  I did my usual thing of going ‘splat’ when trying to multi task, and the combination of getting ready for, and actually attending the Craft Fair alongside all the other things going on meant the bugs swarmed in.  I’m well on the way to recovery now, although my voice disconcertingly disappears at inopportune moments, usually when I’m on the phone and sign language doesn’t work!

I’m on dog walking duty now Tim’s back at work, so I’m really grateful for the relatively balmy weather and Higgins is always happier when he doesn’t have to wade through muddy puddles with his little legs.  We can skirt round this one fortunately…

Norfolk Nature Walk muddy puddle

…and the road is pretty clear…

country lane on Norfolk Nature Walk

We don’t have to walk far along the road to reach a little leafy lane which might just see a tractor once a week, and a horse or two which make it much more fun for Higgins…

leafy lane

…and he can do a bit of charging about…

miniature dachshund in a hurry

especially when he sees a horse…

Horse in field

I well remember Autumn Nature Walks when I was at Primary school, coming back with leaves and berries for the nature table,it’s so much easier now to come home with a camera full of images…

bracken against the sky

Autumn images

miniature dachshund in lane

Autumn images

It’s been rather nice to write a blog post which hasn’t got any ‘making’ in it for a change but I do feel a little guilty as I have an outstanding engagement with a bag of dolly pegs.  If you’ve been visiting Planet Penny for a while you may just remember our Knit and Stitch Group taking part in a Crib and Wreath Festival in our local church which I wrote about in this post and this one.  This year the theme is ‘Angels and Light’, and we’ve been putting the final touches to the display idea which will show off our little host of Angels.  They won’t all be made from dolly pegs, but will be dolly peg size, and will be made from the group’s different skills in sewing, knitting and crochet so we should have an interesting collection.  It all takes place at the end of the month so more about it then…

Well, it’s just turned dark outside, I can hear a blackbird complaining about it loudly!  And it’s just about time for me to go in, stoke up the fire and feed Henry and Higgins.  I’m sure Higgins will have an appetite after his walk…

miniature dachshund

…and poor old Henry seems to find snoozing very hungry work!

I’ll be back soon…

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14 thoughts on “Norfolk Nature Walk

  1. Toffeeapple

    I do love it when Higgins has his own post. Sweet little thing that he is. I hope you are fully well very soon.

  2. Faith

    That looks like my (and Chester’s) sort of walk…our walks have been non-existent recently on vet’s orders, but hopefully all will be hunky-dory soon and we can get back out in the leaves and trees again….I do miss the walking, even on the horrible days, it always turns out alright, and to be fair we’ve had a good few horrible days!

    Glad you’re on the mend, have a good weekend!

  3. Bobo Bun

    Lovely walk thanks for sharing Penny. Your Higgins does make me laugh, such a character. Hope the craft fair went well even though you’re poorly now you poor thing.

    Lisa X

  4. Janice Perkin

    really enjoyed catching up with your blogg – especially the walk – not been on blog alot lately( 3ops plus chemo) as haven’t been able to concentrate for long – so enjoy reading all your news

  5. Penelope

    Life has caught up with me too Peny ad I am doctoring a nasty cough and cold too. I do hope you are feeling much better. Love Higgins’s knowing look about his dinner :o) and as for Henry, well its a hard life but someone’s got to do it! ha ha xox Take special care, much love P x

  6. Cybèle

    I’ve just come back from a walk with the ‘parttime’ dog (belongs to an elderly neighbour who can’t walk him anymore so I try to take him regularly) and he made me laugh today as he had to go through every single puddle. He’s a cross golden retriever/border collie (yes, gets very excited when he sees sheep!) so that probably explains his love for water. Apparently he loves baths too. He could have done with a bath by the time I came back – he was black up this chin… (he’s normally yellow!)

  7. Free Spirit Designs

    poor you with your nasty cold 🙁 isn’t it always the way when you have a lot on!

    i’m glad you’re on the mend now and i’ve enjoyed all your gorgeous pictures – like you, i love dog walking at this time of year, especially when the sun is shining! x

  8. Pingback: Angels and Light - Part One - |

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