Filling the Box of Delights

It’s just a little bit scary how the time gallops away, isn’t it?  I’ve got a camera full of photos and so much to say, and yet every day this week I’ve failed to get the necessary time at the keyboard to write a post.

Never mind, I shall tackle one thing at a time and this is very overdue news about the Box of Delights that I have been putting together for the 500 posts giveaway which I wrote about here.  I have felt overwhelmed by the lovely comments which have been left, I do thank you so much.  And I have been particularly touched by people who say that they haven’t been following for long but have read their way all the way back to the beginning.  Whenever I have a blogging lack of confidence I shall go back and read those posts to motivate myself to keep going!

Because I have readers from all over the world I wanted to make the Box of Delights of a size which would make it possible to post it to anywhere with a reliable postal service so I have customised a box especially.  It’s been so long since I exercised these particular crafting muscles that I was a little unsure of myself, but I have painted and lined and glued and created a little repository for all manner of small things.

The inside looks like this.

lined boxI’ve lined it with may favourite of the Planet Penny Cotton fabrics.

And in it I’ve put a butterfly…

Crochet butterfly for Box of Delights…crocheted with the PP cotton yarn.  A mini needlefelt sheep…

needlefelt sheep -Box of Delights…because sheep are a bit special on Planet Penny!  There’s a reminder of the Dolly Peg Dolls with this length of vintage lace…

Dolly Peg and vintage lace
…A fat quarter of the cotton fabric…

fat quarter Planet Penny Cotton Fabric
… a string of the beads I love to use…

…and some vintage Mother of Pearl buttons…
Mother of Pearl buttons
I’ve had a fascination over the last couple of weeks for covering match boxes (more of that in another post) so here’s one with some covered thumb tacks for your pin board…

thumb tacks
…and this one which I had a lovely time painting.  If you are wondering what’s inside, I’m not saying!  It’s a secret…

Secret Garden Matchbox - Flow
…and finally there’s a crochet heart, as a reminder of the Hearts and Flowers Mobile

crochet heart
…and if you would like some flowers there’s a length of Planet Penny Cotton in every one of the rainbow shades so you can crochet your own!

Box of Delights Planet Penny Cotton
So everything fits in perfectly…
Box of Delights filled
..and it just requires a lid…

Box of Delights with lid
All it needs is a home. Would you like it?  There is still time to enter the Giveaway by leaving a comment on this post, it’s running till next weekend.

I’m off now to do some cooking.  I have my chum Kit coming round for supper and I’ve been delving through my cook books to find something delicious and fuss free, Nigella has come up trumps with a roasting tin filled with chicken, chorizo and other yummy things.   I’ll let you know if I manage to channel my inner ‘domestic goddess’!

See you soon…x

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36 thoughts on “Filling the Box of Delights

  1. Mary Jenkins

    I spy a little green “Pincushion?” too in the top right hand corner. Ooh Penny you really DO spoil us! I think you have had lots of fun with it all! Can’t wait to hear about the matchboxes…. I used to love things like that when we had competitions at school to cram the most objects in a matchbox! But covering them in fine fabric or paper is a new and lovely idea! Enjoy life, enjoy creativity, enjoy Planet Penny!

  2. Susan Walter

    I just love getting your emails – with as to what’s going on in your and Higgins’ world. As for me, I’ve been gainfully unemployed for the last 2.5yrs (minus 35 days that I worked in ’12 & minus 3 months that I worked in ’13). My Creative Muse has gone into hiding – no where to be found….. I think winning your Box of Delights would be just the nudge it needs to resurface. =>¡<=

  3. Sheila

    Ohhh Penny, what a fabulous, magical gift. Something to look at, something to hold, something to love and something to work with. I cannot think of a nicer present. Whoever ‘wins’ will be in receipt of something truly magical and filled with both hope and promise.

    P.S. … you have a beautiful blog. I’ve spent aaages gazing, reading, and longing. Well done for putting together something which truly works.

  4. Emer O Regan

    What a fantastic idea – all your little treasure are so pretty. My Grandaughter would love this! She is always looking around Mamó’s (that’s me) house for treasures.

  5. Lorna

    Wowee what a fabulous giveaway. It looks like a gorgeous box of chocolates, with lots of different centers, but without the calories!!! You are very kind.

  6. Alberta Cooke

    Very generous and very pretty giveaway. Love the box and all the bright colours. I hope I might be lucky, but good luck to everyone xxx

  7. Teje

    Hi Penny! You made have amazing BOX and filled it with most Special and beautiful goodies! Hugs to you and Higgins! x Teje

  8. Alison

    Morning Penny, the time, thought and effort you have put into this box, it is fabulous. I love that you have put ‘bits of you in’, the colours the sheep etc. How cool are those little match boxes. Looking forward to seeing more of them. Alison

  9. Ann

    What a wonderful box of delights! It will be just like being a child again at Christmas for the lucky winner to open 🙂 So pleased to hear your posts have reached 500. They are such a joy to read xx

  10. Laura

    That box is crying out to be used as a dolly’s crib once it has fulfilled it’s delivery duty!
    And, as Lynda said – a tutorial for the sheep? Yes please!

  11. Rhian

    How absolutely delightful it would be to receive such a wonderful box of delights. You are very talented Penny and your blog is an inspiration. I’ve mentioned in previous comments that you’ve inspired me to pick up my crochet hooks after a twenty year gap. Many thanks

  12. Leslie Johnson

    I can remember as a child having a tin with all the little things I treasured. Your box of delights is much more than that – filled with color, imagination and darling items (not to mention the fabulous cotton yarn). I’d love to have it.

  13. knutty knitter

    That is lovely. I went mad last year and made lots of the butterflies for the Christmas tree – they are neat 🙂

    That matchbox looks verrry interesting!

    viv in nz

  14. judie gleason

    I love the box! I missed a week in jan. and in feb. (keeping the hospitals in business). When I got back to my computer there were hundreds of emails. Needless to say I hit delete a bunch. I am so glad to catch up and would love to be in the list for a chance. Give Higgins a big hug for me. Our Lucy (mini Aussy) is jealous of my love of Higgins!

    Keeping working and writing, Judie

  15. Pingback: Box of Delights – The Results |

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