After a mostly bright and sunny three days for the first weekend of Open Studios, today we have a deluge! The water butts are overflowing…

… the back yard is flooded…

…and the few steps from the back door to the studio are enough to get soaked through.

I tried to work out there but the rain on the roof is deafening so I’ve decamped to the dining table with the laptop where I am typing with one hand because I have a very worried little dog trembling in my other arm. Higgins hates the rain, hates the wet, the noise and the possibility of thunder too, one supposes. Anyway he’s stuck to me like a limpet all morning and just wants to sit on my lap ’till it’s all over.As you can imagine, the last week or so has been really busy, first getting prepared for Open Studios, and then opening the doors and welcoming people in. So I haven’t managed to personally thank everyone who left such lovely comments on my last post, but I do thank everyone for such supportive messages.
The studio is now a display area and you can imagine just how much stuff I’ve got squirrelled away all over the house to make enough space! As usual Kit is sharing the space with her beautiful prints…
…and we have lots of other things to look at and hopefully to inspire people…
…with of course our little Meeter and Greeter at the ready!
Higgins is quite convinced that Open Studios is actually the annual convening of the Higgins the Miniature Dachshund Appreciation Society. He greets every visitor with complete rapture, and by the end of the first day was utterly exhausted…
We now have a few days to catch up before it all happens again next weekend. If you are local, it would be lovely to see you. There’s a lot else to see on the Two Rivers Trail, (you can find out more on the website) Printmaking, textiles, painting, woodcarving, feltmaking, spinning, beautiful alpacas…
…and of course, Higgins…
See you soon…!
The green man looks great and the sheep is awesome too, is that yours? Poor Higgins. Glad all is going well.
I had to laugh at that adorable worried little look on Higgin’s face. Poor Higgy! Are those rocks in the pot with the Japanese maple? One thing about all that rain…it just makes everything so green and healthy!
Thanks for the comment, Chris. Yes, they are rocks but felt ones!
Yes, the sheep is mine, it’s called ‘How to Knit a Sheep’ and I made him for last years Open Studios. You’ll find more about him here
P x
Oh poor Higgins. It’s wet and rainy here too. My kitties aren’t Happy as they’re not able to venture onto the balcony.
It all looks amazing for open studios and I so wish I lived closer to be able to visit and meet you and Higgins in person.
Keep well
Emily xx
I love the look of all your plants outside the studio, I guess the rain has been good for them.
I am glad that it went well despite all of that rain! Glad too that Higgins enjoyed himself and all of the attention. I hope that the next one goes really well too – and that it is drier!! xx
Fabulous that it all went well and poor Higgins, but bet he loved those visitors very much ?
If Higgins gets very bothered by storms, (and you would like your other arm back to type) you might try a Thundershirt for him. I don’t have personal experience with them but have heard good things. Essentially, its a fancy dog coat that applies gentle pressure and alleviates anxiety. It even helps pups when fireworks are going off. It is a nice, gentle hug for your buddy during scary times. Just a though
Thanks Erica, for being concerned about Higgins. He does have a Thundershirt and it does work well in Thunderstorms, and when there are fireworks nearby. I didn’t think to use it yesterday, silly me! You can see Higgins modelling it here A kind thought x
How I wish I was free to come and visit!
That looks like proper ‘open studios weather’. How does the weather know? Hope it goes well, despite the rain. Ours is in a couple of weeks, which will give it time to get some sunshine in, then start raining again.
I adore the photo of an exhausted Higgins curled up on his blanket! Wish I was close enough to visit – even your drainpipe and water butt look artistic. x
I was at the side of a road in Italy, watching the time trial for the Giro d’Italia last week and thought of you and Higgins when a little chappie who looked very much like H walked by. I hope he is happier now.